BeX chronicals (YES i know how to spell that! B-e-x seeee) HAWHAW
☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂ THE BEST THUNDER STORM IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW eek i'm so energized and giddy right now whee i want to scream everytime the thunder comes, which i havn't failed at yet! we never get this weather where i live, i've never seen it like this i saw it on the news this morning and what an estimate time it would start, it was my pe period xd we were playing capture the flag when suddenly everyone hears thunder eek some ignored it some were like "was that what i thought it was?" others "wtf! It's not garbage day?!" then this guy was running towards me and this GIANT BOLT OF LIGHTNING APPEARS BEHIND HIM my jaw drops it was so cool (i got him out btw) it was about 3-5 miles away then it happened again again and again but it was also getting closer so my teacher bunched everyone up and started going to the locker room but! as soon as everyone got together this HUGE FLASH OF LIGHNTING CAME and with in a second there was the biggest blast of thunder yet right over us everyone stampieded runnin and screaming i was dancing and yelling haha there was instant rain and hail! i was soaked, my hair was ruined but i could carless talk2hand --- so we are doing a family life in science and mr cole had to show us a slideshow of STD ♂♀ I HAVE DECIDED TO DIE A VIRGIN, i'm scared emo it was so scary because most of it was PICTURES YES images of pieces of the male and female body infected with both viral and bacterial viruses emo i don't remember most of it besides THE LICE IN YOUR CROCH (crabs) and several deformed penises xp except for GENETLE HERPES cryingburning_eyescryingburning_eyescryingburning_eyes OMG it's like warts coming out of your butt hole and if you don't know what i'm talking about then you couldn't even imagine what i saw, it is so much worse emo i was histarical for almost 2 minutes on my desk and couldn't lift my head up i was gagging laughing and crying all at once i could barley breathe sweatdrop i'm never having sex