A/N: I got this idea from the LPU 08 CD. Please review and enjoy!!
Chapter 1
Mike: (is at the studio having the normal band meeting.) What should we do for the new LPU CD?
Chester: I don’t know.
Joe: Ooooh!! I know!! We could parody Fergie!!
Chester: Yeah, and we could also write a song about how we don’t like doing laundry!
Mike: You can’t be serious. The fans will be PISSED! They want remixes and b-sides, not some crap about how Fergie is gay and about how we don’t like doing chores!
Brad: Can I say something?
Mike: As long it’s something intelligent.
Brad: I suggest we write songs parodying little kids’ songs.
Mike: (bangs head on table) NO! We are not doing that. Understand?
Chester: (ignoring Mike) Let’s write a song about the alphabet.
Joe: Ok!
Mike: (sighs) fine, we are doing the songs; but if a mobbing crowd comes after us asking about why there are no remixes and b-sides-.
Chaz: You’ll kill us.
Mike: No, I was planning on blaming Brad, Joe, and you for the reason that this year’s LPU album sucked so bad.
Chaz: But you haven’t even heard it yet.
Mike: So? I already know what it’s going to sound like.
Phi: What’s it going to sound like?
Mike: Like crap.
Chaz: You don’t know that. For all we know it could be good crap.
Mike: It’s going to be bad crap then when the fans hear it, they’re going to light a fire and throw it in there.
Rob: He does have a point, Chester. Who would want to listen to a song about you not liking doing laundry?
Chester: I know it sounds boring, but that’s why we have to make it sound funny. We can’t be serious, we have to loosen up and fool around.
Mike: You do have a good point there, but how do we do that?
Chester: Simple. We have to make the beats catchy and fun to listen to, and then we have to make our voices blend in with the song.
Mike: So we have to use a lot of techno crap?
Chester: Pretty much.
Mike: I still don’t like it. How about we just remix the whole Minutes to Midnight CD?
Chester: Hell no! (suddenly has an idea). Hey Mike, I think you were right about our idea. It was stupid and we should do the MTM remix.
Mike: Really Chaz? Are you sure?
Chester: Yes I’m sure. But first I think you need a drink.
Mike: What for?
Chester: Oh, just to cool off and relax because you’ve been really stressed lately with the LPU album and our forth studio album coming up.
Mike: I think you’re right Chester. You know what? I’m gonna go have a drink and then it’s back to work. (goes to the kitchen).
Brad: (glares at Chester) what was that for?
Joe: Yeah, we wanted to make funny songs!
Chester: Patients my friends. My plan is working.
Joe: What plan?
Chester: I only told Mike that we would do the MTM remix so he would get off our backs. Plus, the reason I told him to go get a drink is because Mike gets so drunk that he doesn’t even know what he’s doing. We’ll have our album finished in no time. (does the chemist laugh).
Brad: Even if we pull this off, Mike’s gonna kill you when he gets sober.
Chester: No he won’t because he’ll listen to the CD, laugh about it, and forget all about killing me. The fans will love it, well, the ones that have a sense of humor will; and Mike will thank me for doing this.
Joe: I love the way you think.
Brad: You can get yourself killed but I want no part of you scheme.
Rob and Phi: We don’t like Mike when he’s pissed.
Chaz: (looks at Joe) are you with me?
Joe: Umm. (looks at everyone else) I’m not too thrilled about having my life cut short.
Chaz: Fine, I guess It’ll just be Mike and I then.
(Mike comes back from the kitchen looking completely wasted)
Brad, Joe, Phi, and Rob: Hey Mike, we really have to go. Hope the record turns out to be good! (door slams)
Mike: (looks at Chester with bloodshot eyes) what’s going on?
Chester: They’re just going out to get some things. C’mon, lets work.
Mike: Umm. Ok.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. It’s not very exciting but the second chapter will be. Please review!
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Linkin Park journal
A journal about LP. I plan to write updates, fanfiction, and all that other cool stuff about the guys of Linkin Park. Enjoy!
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