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Pharey's Journal
this journal i guess will be like any other, im gonna put things in here about my day and things gone by...
Homecoming this weekend!
yeah, the title... thats all i could think of. anyways! on with the show! luckily i have a date for the dance, well its kinda a duh, scince im currently going out with him. the him? you ask? his name is Damien, hes the same age as me, about 4 inches taller than me and the has brown hair that falls into his beautiful greenish eyes. *sigh* anyways he bout me my ticket to that dance today, but theres a problem. Damien needs to find the money so that he can go himself. he can work on saturday and get the money to pay at the door, but that cost more. he could also borrow the money from him mother and pay her back when he does go to work. cause if he doesnt get the money he needs on sat then hell have to borrow even more money from his mother. *the X is upside down...* <sry i got distracted) anyways what do you think he should do?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 29, 2004 @ 02:46pm
i suggest that u pay for it, if u have no money, then steal it from an american hobo. enjoy the dance, and if all else fails just dance in ure garden, or pool coz all americans have pool's

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 01, 2004 @ 09:02pm
Eep, like your journal xd Ohh, Damien stare maybe I should be going to a different journal. j/k ok, from one friend to another if you can pay for it do and leave it in his ballpark, let him decide if he feels the need to pay you back or not. If you do need to get the money back just tell him up front (nicely) that he can pay you back when he gets the money. And if you dont have the money than I agree with what the last poster said whee Check out my journal would you? tell me if you like the color combo.

Kitanith Sedai
Community Member
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