After saying this, the not-Starscream winced and stood up, saying, “Never mind, stupid question, obviously you know me, otherwise, how would you know my name?” Not-Starscream chuckled, “Then again, it might not be a name, and instead be some kind of a curse, although from the way you said it, it seemed as if you were saying a name, am I correct?”
Skyfire nodded and was about to ask why he didn’t know his own name when not-Starscream continued, “So! I’ve a name and someone who knows me, that’s two better then I was before you came.” Skyfire was confused, what did not-Starscream mean, ‘that’s two better then I was before you came’? What did that mean? He was about to ask, when Starscream ploughed on, “I see that you have that same figure on your wings as I do, why? Does it mean something? It’s plain that you are a flyer like myself, does that have to do with it?”
Seizing his chance, and hoping to forestall any more babble, Skyfire spoke quickly, “Yes it means that you are an Autobot like myself. Now, what did you mean, ‘that’s two better then I was before you came’?”
Not-Starscream looked confused, but answered his question easily, “Exactly what it sounds like! The first that I remember was waking up here in this cave a week or so ago, and before that, nothing!” Once he had said this, his pose changed and his hands started gesturing in the air as he started to question Skyfire, “Now what did you mean by ‘Autobot’? Is it the name for the ones with wings? Or is it a name for everyone, even those without wings like my data-base seems to indicate there is? Is it the name of a political party? Is it a job? A birth-place? A-” He cut himself short, “And apparently, I tend to babble when exited, good to know. You know, Babble is such a fun word, Babble: verb, to talk and run on excessiv-” Realizing what he was doing, not-Starscream reached up and covered his mouth, “Shutting up now.”
Starscream could have shouted with glee, after a few dozen years with only his trine-mates to manipulate, he had almost forgotten what a rush it was with someone completely new! Come on… He silently urged, Take the bait, that’s it…
“An Autobot is a mech or femme that wishes to fight against the tyranny of the Decepticons.”
“Who are these ‘Decepticons’?”
“The Decepticons are a group lead by Megatron…”
Starscream vented air and stared at the roof of the cave, thinking. The main difference between the two worlds, he mused, was who had gone insane. In Starscream’s world Optimus Prime had gone insane. But in Skyfire’s world, for that was the shuttle’s name, it was Megatron who had gone insane. Starscream didn’t want to think about that. Megatron? Insane? Never!
Starscream turned his thoughts to less disturbing paths. Skyfire. Starscream had spent the last few weeks watching both the Autobots and the Decepticons and he had been able to recognize either the name of the build of almost all of them. Skyfire was one of the few exceptions. Turning these thoughts over in his processor, he didn’t realize when he drifted into recharge.
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