The neighbors complain about the noises above.
So, my muse just seems to be shitting on my head at the worst possible times. Like, when i'm trying to sleep last night. I basically ended up just sitting in bed for two hours thinking about a new project. Now, I'm not going to say anything about it, because.. well, it may not happen. I'm going to have to see if I can financially afford it, which shouldn't be a problem, since I just need to purcahse some materials and paint, and other.. projecty fiddly bits. Then, I'll have to get admin approval. And finally, I'll have to see if I have the mad skills to pull it off well. It's going to take some work. Hmm..
I know I'm going to get a lot of "what is it?" responses, so here's a hint or two.
It won't see the light of day until July.
If all goes according to plan, you could win it.
I should shoot that goddamn muse. Totally ******** with my sleep schedule, and in this case, my money and what little free time I have.
Edit: N/M, I got it.
Twistex · Thu Dec 01, 2005 @ 05:51pm · 7 Comments |