"I Am Altinsya"
It is about a girl named Altinsya that has some kind of "powers" that can hear and see things that we human can't hear and see, a ghost! A day past her by she saw a little girl crying beside the old tree. Then she sat beside the girl and said "What's suppose to be the problem little girl?" the little girl replied "Help me help me!" while the girl was saying 'help me' the girl faded into ash. Altinsya then get up and ran. She went home after that happen and cried to the shoulders of her mother. Her mother said "Why, why, how could that happen" with a little bit of giggle. No one believed her not even her boyfriend named Vergile. Then she went back to the old tree and shouted "What do you want, who are you, why me!" a few minutes later nothing really happened. So she went back home. when she went back home, in her bed she saw the little girl looking at her and said "Help me help me" then she asked a question "What do you want?" the girl replied "follow me!" Then she followed her. They went to the old tree and the little girl said "I want you to help me." she replied "in what?" "by talking to my father and let him know that I am there just beside me" then she continued "my father is planning to kill himself because all of his loved ones died like me and my mother even left him... so please help me!" then they went to the little girls house *knock* they knocked 3 times. Altinsya was shocked when the father of the little girl,,, it was just her father and she knew that that little girl was just her. She knew that she was just a soul walking around town.
Community Member
cool ! ! !
it's like the movie "the uninvited" but not really, look like just a little
i like it your great
amazing au ver
heart llllllaaaaaaavvvvvvvveeeeettttttt ! ! ! ! ! heart
biggrin smile