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<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/breakingapart/Megs/Drawing/teardrops.gif" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
Shattered Champagne
A glass of champagne
Delicately beautiful.
Just like our friendship.
So artificially innocent.
but the poison is there-
Changing your mind
little by little.
Just like you did to me.
Sip after sip
It's fading away.
Starting to feel the effects
I couldn't bare being with you.
But I couldn't bare being alone.
I needed that sip
Those last few drops.
The glass is empty,
shattered on the floor.
just like all of you.
It was never real.
And like the champagne
You were gone
leaving me alone
shattered on the floor.

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