Name: Kasai
Race: Fox Demon
Age: 82 (human years), 18 (demon years)
Birth date: February 15, 1927
Height: 5' 5" 0
Eye color: Purple
Hair: Dark Red
Attitude: She's kind and smart, but not extraordinarily so. She's headstrong, but very quiet, especially around strangers. She loves to learn new things, mostly due to the fact that she was so sheltered as a child. She's also tends to be extremely clumsy in one moment, and extremely graceful in the next.
Strengths: The tiny retractable wings on her back, control over plants, fair resistance to all elements (except light)
Weaknesses: Any kind of light element, carrots, others yet to be disclosed
Abilities: She can communicate with plants, and can use a very small amount of fire magic, but it hurts her greatly.
Things to Note:
♥Ears and Tail are the same color as hair, but with black tips.
♥She physically ages every 4.5 years.
♥She's clueless about the Human world, and doesn't understand their terminology, or 'slang'.
♥She loves to learn new things.
Bit o' Background:
Kasai was taken from her parents a week after her birth. She was forcefully taken after her parents were murdered. She was used as a guinea pig for many experiments. They tried forcefully changing her element by injecting essences of other elements. They were almost to Light when she escaped. Therefore she is weak against Light, since it is the only element her body lacks.
Saeru found her when she was lost and bleeding to death in the middle of a forest near his secluded mountain home. He took her home and raised her. Taught her how to speak, read, cook, sew, fight, and so on. When she was a pre-teen, she invited a weary wandering demon to stay the night with them. He tried to assault her in the night, but was thwarted by Saeru appearing. He and the demon fight. He wins, but is badly wounded. He kisses Kasai and faints in her arms. For the rest of his life the injury harshly affects him.
In later years, he is old and weak and cannot leave his bed without help. Kasai stays by his side constantly. He is overtaken by a fever, and dies a crazed old man. Kasai buries him in a nearby sunflower field and takes off on a journey to explore the world. She later meets a deity, asking a favor that only a mortal could do him. He promises that in return he will restore Saeru to her. She agrees.
To be continued...
Kasai Refs: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x]
She has many outfits, but her current and favorite one is pictured above in the journal.
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