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I am Dustin's girlfriend (insert evil laugh here)
Well. First and foremost. Hi. I am Dustin's girlfriend. I think he made a huge mistake by allowing me to know his password. Ok, now that I got that out of the way. I think you all should know a little more about Dustin. He is 15. Gonna be 16. If I can count, than the math done above is right. I am not an idiot, I am just goofy. He is the 9th grade (I'm dating a freshman!), but failed a grade and should be in the 10th, with me. He plays in a band, with his friends. He's really good too, even if he doesn't want to admit it. Um...let's see. He likes anime, almost as much as I do. He has never been on Gaia, and so I am having to do all of this for him. He sits at my lunch table with some of my other sophomore friends. He is really sweet though, 'cause he let me borrow his Tripp pants, and his Disturbed shirt. Aww! Plus, he told me I looked hott in them...as did our friend, Rielly. He listens to most of the music I do, with the exception of some of my punk rock bands....who rule! He doesn't like cats, and I really don't know why. But I do know that they don't like him, cause my kitty tried to kill his feet. It was really funny though. My kitty kept getting under the bed and every time Dustin would move his feet, my evil kitty would attack. Um well....I am slowly running out of things to say about Dustin. Oh well I have to go for now...bye!


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