Lovely Kiosh avatar art and other goodies! biggrin
Disclaimer: Use any of these in inappropiate ways and I will make sure you lose random body parts... And they will be things you miss, I must assure you! Karma *will* get you!
Classic Kiosh by Bia Anko! heart
Amazing Kiosh portrait by Sharezii! You should check her shop! Super special thanks and luv to Otter! heart
Amazing piece of art! Done by the very talented Werewolfman2. It's great!
Kiosh by Fluff Puffy! Isn't it cute? You should check her store: Sinfull? Or Sinless?.
"Kiosh singiee" by Pinkachuu at ✖ P i n k L o v e. So cute! I loved the music theme!
Another portrait of me by Fluff_Puffy. She made this for a guild ad but I loved it so much I had to steal it for my collection! (With her permission, of course) xd
Very, very nice art of Otter and I as Red and Wolf! biggrin Done by Davine from DAVINEartSHOP!
(Click to see full size!)
This was an anonymous gift I received one day in my inbox. It's cute!
A piece someone made for me on Hallowe'en 08 based on the game attacks. I can't remember who made it for me!
I am a grateful grapefruit! mrgreen