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View User's Journal

O.T.L.'s Journal
It's my journal. (Really!?) Yep. Why? Because it was something to do at the time. Don't look for meaning or real content here. I was bored, so I set up a journal. It'll be updated whenever I feel like it. (As if anyone'll actually read this...)
Working on a Saturday
Lucky me, I get to go into work today (a Saturday). Probably be there all day, too. (Gotta defragment the Exchange databases. Which basically entails typing in the command to start the process, then waiting the 2-3 hours for it to finish. Yippee.)

(And, of course, Gaia is blocked at work. Guess I'll have to see how well I can access Gaia using the laptop's cellular modem. Too bad the laptop's been acting up lately. But it'll hopefully be better than nothing. Hopefully.)

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