I was once afraid to be heard,
I was scared to listen too.
Whenever i heared voices,
I didn't know what to do.
When I'd try to speak,
My soes felt way too tight.
I'd freez up like an ice cube,
And never get it right.
What would people think,
When they heard my voice at last?
Would they be surrprised,
Or would it just get passed.
Would I get made fun of?
Would I have less friends?
Would I be more popular,
Or would old frienships end?
Though risky, I'll do it.
I'll let my voice be heard.
I will make them listen,
To every single word.
I'm tired of this hiding,
And now know what to do.
I want people to listen,
Poeple like you!
I now listen to others,
And they listen to me.
now that I've realised,
Who I want to be.
I want to be a listener,
I want to be a speaker.
i wanted to be stronger,
And never get weaker.
Today I am happy,
I am finnally free.
Now that I realise,
I was meant to be me...
I was scared to listen too.
Whenever i heared voices,
I didn't know what to do.
When I'd try to speak,
My soes felt way too tight.
I'd freez up like an ice cube,
And never get it right.
What would people think,
When they heard my voice at last?
Would they be surrprised,
Or would it just get passed.
Would I get made fun of?
Would I have less friends?
Would I be more popular,
Or would old frienships end?
Though risky, I'll do it.
I'll let my voice be heard.
I will make them listen,
To every single word.
I'm tired of this hiding,
And now know what to do.
I want people to listen,
Poeple like you!
I now listen to others,
And they listen to me.
now that I've realised,
Who I want to be.
I want to be a listener,
I want to be a speaker.
i wanted to be stronger,
And never get weaker.
Today I am happy,
I am finnally free.
Now that I realise,
I was meant to be me...