I really don't know what
to think of because
i am kinda bored right now,
i just wanna relax a bit
for a while and think
of someone i want to be with right now and
for the rest of my life;
Thomas Kaulitz
til i die,family for my love,friends for their understanding
and specially God
for my spirit and soul.
I wanna be with this people and to our Great Father.
You know what and how it feels if this people is with you?
It's like raining blessings,floating
up above a puff of a cloud sorrounded with angels.
And when you look
up you see petals of your favorite flowers falling.
You can see yourself
in a mirror wearing
this lovely pretty cocktail white dress which has green details on it(which is my favorite),and
when you turned
around you can see
the guy of your dreams
waiting down at
the staircase for you,(your walking on the carpet,smiling.
then came down dancing with him)and hugging
him tight with your
arms that's full of
happiness and love
for him.But..
when you open your
eyes in the real life you are right now,it can
really make you cry
'cause you can just
imagine how nice and
magical your world be
if one of this came true
and the worst is that,
your dreams are never been real,the guy you were
dancing with just
disappeared like bubbles....