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The Records of Resonance
Hikaru (Awakening of Dreams)
User Data
Full Name: Hikaru Kimimoto


Famous Nick Names: Spirit Wolf of Niechaa no Kanshisha;

Tribe: Ijutsu

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Birth Date:

Sex Orientation: Straight

Race: Human

Rank: Shuhan

Elemental Affinity: Water

Weapon of choice: Kawaige

Tribal Profession: Leader

User Image

Tribal Mark:

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Light Blue

Clothing: Like the picture except the clothing is mostly white

Physical Description: Hikaru has a compact skeletal frame, granting him more strength and speed than someone with a regular skeletal frame.

Personal Tribesman Information
Height: 5'11"

Weight: 26kg

Personality: Hikaru has a personality that seems to always be depressed on the outside... at least that is how he appears to be, however, that is partially how Hikaru feels most of the time but the other part and the rest of the time he is happy but occasionally serious about what he does.

Motto: "Nature must be protected... as she is the giver of all that gives us our life force"

Personal Skill: White Magic

Hiroaki Kimimoto ~ Father ~ Former Shuhan
Amaya Kimimoto ~ Mother ~ Former Co-Shuhan

Techniques (Only Those From Your Tribe and/or Clan)
Sword Technique:

Axe Technique:

Black Arts:

White Arts:
Minor Heal | Rank: Apprentice (Naruto = D Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: Touch - 30ft/rank (So 120ft at Master Rank) | Requirements: Ijutsu Tribe member | By saying a prayer to Gaia, or the Mother as those of the Ijutsu call the Spirit of the Earth, the tribesman selects a target and heals a small amount of minor wounds from them, such as scratches, small burns, and small headaches. Small bruises are affected, too.

Slow Poison | Rank: Apprentice (Naruto = D Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: Touch | Requirements: Touch, Ijutsu Tribe member | By touching the are that the poison entered, and saying a prayer to Gaia, the tribesman reaches into the target and slows the process of the poison, lengthening it's spread time by 10.

Delving | Rank: Apprentice (Naruto = D Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: Touch | Requirements: Ijutsu Tribe, and touch | By laying your hands upon your target, you speak the words of power and 'delve' into the target, finding what is wrong with them, if anything. This will identify if the target is poisoned, or diseased, though not the type of poison or disease. This also identifies Taint (Not going to Explain right now)

Slow Disease | Rank: Apprentice (Naruto = D Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: Touch | Requirements: Ijutsu Tribe, Touch | Just like the Slow Poison technique, except it works only for Disease.

Detect Unlife | Rank: Apprentice (Naruto = D Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: 150 ft Radius | Requirements: Ijutsu Tribe, Goggles | By enchanting the goggles you wear, this technique allows you to sense any undead within range, even if they are hiding or invisible. Some undead can hide even from this.

Song of Sleep | Rank: Apprentice (Naruto = D Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: 250ft + 50ft/Rank | Requirements: Ijutsu Tribe, Singing | By humming, and then singing in a low, soothing song, the minds of the listeners' begin to fog, to slow, until they fall asleep. This is usually a small time use, as those of rank higher than Proficient are usually too well trained for this to effect them anymore.

Song of Relief | Rank: Apprentice (Naruto = D Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: Close (50ft + 25ft/rank) | Requirements: Singing, Ijutsu Tribe | By singing this song, those who hear it are filled with a sense of peace, and all pain afflicting them is forgotten. This is usually used to stop someone from feeling pain while they are operated on. This sometimes put the target to sleep.

Animal Speech | Rank: Apprentice (Naruto = D Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: Personal | Requirements: None | Allows you to talk to animals in their own language. Must choose a specific race of animals, such as Canine, Feline, etc. They are the animals you can talk to.

Light Heal | Rank: Proficient (Naruto = C Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: Touch - 25ft/rank | Requirements: Ijutsu Clan, and must have a holly branch, which you point at the target | By saying a prayer to Gaia, or the Mother as those of the Ijutsu call the Spirit of the Earth, the tribesman selects a target by pointing at them with a Holly branch and heals a medium sized amount of wounds. Slashes from a sword or axe stich themselves back up, muscles begin to heal, and 1st degree burns are healed. This does not heal nerve damage, however, nor does it remove Taint

Sapphire Rain | Rank: Journeyman (Naruto = B Ranked) |Type: Supplementary |Range: 1.5 mile radius | Requirements: Blood Membershop of the Ijutsu tribe (you have to have been born into the Ijutsu tribe), Proficient Rank, Must have Water Element | Sapphire Rain is a water magic unique to the Ijutsu tribe. Using this spell, the Ijutsu member can cause the skies to rain down blue magical energy on an area in a 3 mile radius from the user. The energy heals the user and their allies, while leaving innocent plant and animal life unharmed.

Lesser Cure | Rank: Apprentice (Naruto = D Ranked) | Type: Supplementary
Range: Touch | Requirements: None | Cure, after saying the words and touching the subject, basically removes colds, or common illnesses like Chicken Pocks.

Remove Light Poison | Rank: Proficient (Naruto = C Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: Touch | Requirements: Ijutsu Clan, a Holly Leaf (Found only in the Ijutsu Forest) | By saying a prayer to Gaia, or the Mother as those of the Ijutsu call the Spirit of the Earth, the tribesman touches the target, and through an amount of time equal to the strength of the poison, removes said poison. There are some poisons that resist this, though they are rare and difficult to find.

Lesser Regenerative Ward | Rank: Proficient (Naruto = C Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: 100 ft radius + 50ft/rank | Requirements: Ijutsu Clan, something to cast it on (as a center) | By saying a prayer to Gaia, or the Mother as those of the Ijutsu call the Spirit of the Earth, the tribesman casts the enchantment upon a certain object. All inside that area, all natural regeneration increased to twice the normal rate. This also slows the spreading of diseases and poisons in the blood stream.

Silver Lining Reduction | Rank: Proficient (Naruto = C Ranked) | Type: Supplementary | Range: Touch | Requirements: Ijutsu Clan, and no Black Arts known | By saying a prayer to Gaia, or the Mother as those of the Ijutsu call the Spirit of the Earth, by touching those who are infected with Taint and drawing a silver line around the area of entrance, using a finger to do so, the Taint will reduce inside. This is usually used to keep someone alive long enough for an advanced healer to remove the Taint Entirely

Ranged Technique:

Stealth Technique:

Physical Perfection Technique:

  • Kawaige ~ A energy dagger whose blade is made of magical energy and can not be cut. The dagger is soulbound to Hikaru and therefore only Hikaru can lift it, wield it or hold it but has the strange ability to transform into a katana but still be able to be used by Hikaru and also channel Hikaru's magical energy and release energy slashes made of force (meaning that they are invisible) as the blade travels through the air.
    User Image

  • Spirit Chain ~ A special chain made of pure spiritual energy that has taken physical form and is unbreakable. When not in use, it is in the form of a pendant around Hikaru's neck, which is of a silver wolf with sapphire eyes. Hikaru can make it into its chain form by touching it and channeling his magical energy into it, at which point it will disappear from Hikaru's neck and reappear as a bracer around Hikaru's left arm, which then extends from the bracer into a claw-like gauntlet which is snow white. The talons of the claws are in fact connected to the main body by chains of energy, and when Hikaru swings the gauntlet, the talons will detach and enlongate. There is no limit to the length of the chain and the talons can transform into part of the spirit chains themselves in order to wrap around opponents. Only The Shuhan of the Ijutsu tribe can wield this "weapon" as the first Ijutsu Shuhan created it and placed enchantments on it to do so.

Clan Information:
Clan Name:

Clan Ability:

Ability Stages and Description:

Completed RP Missions
S - 0
A - 0
B - 0
C - 0
D - 0

Hikaru Kimimoto was born part of the Ijutsu tribe to parents who were also the leaders of the tribe and eventually they would step down to let Hikaru become leader, who was always caring about nature, and would never let any harm come to it. But in this new world, Hikaru wonders if he can truely keep his tribe safe.

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