Insanity:a perfectly rational ajustment to the insane world - R.D Lang
We have just enough religion to make us hate but not enough religion to love each other -Jonathan Swift
Know thyself?! If i knew thyself I'd run away -
Jonathan Wolfgang Von Gothe
Sucsses and failure are equaly as disasterous - Tennassee Williams
Its not enough to sucssed others must fail - Gore Vidal
Razors pain you, rivers are damp, acids stain you, and drugs cause cramps, guns arn't lawful, noosses give, gas smells awfull, you mite as well live - Dorathy Parker
Like its poloticians and its war society has its teenagers - J.B Priertly
Time is a storm in which we are all lost in - William Carlos Williams
If your going through hell keep going
-Can't remember
I lUv quOTEs! heart
If U haVe AnY KOol QuotES LeAve Em oN Me ProFIle ANd IlL AdD Em!
Icecream heart heart heart heart
Icecream heart heart heart heart