Do you think you can get through this without answering "I don't know"? we'll see
Where do you wish you were right now? The mall. Shoppayng!
What should you be doing right now? sleeping. Coz my a** is tired
Does sex mean love? not necessarily.
Night out or night in? both is fine. depends on my mood, really.
Last person you talked to on the phone? my dad... or aryana.. or was it katerine. I think it was ivan
Do you love someone at the moment? yeah
When was the last time you threw up? probably when i was mad sick a thousand years ago
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? oh thats easy. MOM
What were you doing at 12:00 this afternoon? umm walking away from abigail bcoz she really pissed me
Will this weekend be a good one? hope sooo
Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? nopez
Do you get along with your friend's boyfriend/girlfriend? depends on if they're an idiot or not.
if you're not an idiot, then there should be no problem!
Who makes you most happy? everything in my life is a blessing. smile
What do you hate? bitchezz and hobos
When is the last time you saw number 3? this past weekend. today. when i was doing math problemz n skewl
Something you're looking forward to in the next month? uh there's something i'm NOT looking forward to next month.
How tall are you? 5'4"
How was your night last night? a little confusing and tiring.
Think a lot before you sleep? thought a hell of a lot last night.
Is your life anything like it was a year ago? hecks no
Do you remember who you liked around this time last year? yup
What is more important, happiness or trust? trust. you can't truly be happy if you can't trust anyone.
What made you happy today? ummmm ummmmm fruit punch!
Does love exist? yup
How much money do you have on you right now? HAHA none. my a** is flat broke
Who sits next to you in science? David and fatima
Last person in a car with besides your family? none
Would you rather have roommates or live alone? live alone!!!
What type of day are you having? crappy
Was there anyone who "made your day"? umm lin let.. he made me laugh that mr. g had to call r names a hundred times
Do you like your hair today? it's whaaaatever
Do you have anyone crushing on you? if there is someone, i wouldn't know.
What song did you last listen to? "Take me on the floor" the veronicas
Are you a very stressed out person? i can be
Do you ever want to get married? hell yashhh
What was the last beverage you had? fruit punch
What are you planning on doing after this? chat with ivan if his on or take a nap
When was the last time you laughed really hard that you teard? hahah i do that quite often and i don't keep track.
What's something you really want right now, be honest? iPhone... dammit i want ONE!
Who's the last person you hugged? lin let MY BFF
When's the last time you cried? last night... thx to ivan for telling me his sad stories
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? of course
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? my motto in life
Do you have a reason to smile right now? yes, life is good!
Who was the last person you had a conversation with? shane
What are you craving right now? fudge stripes!
Do you like waking up in the morning to find that you have new texts? nooo coz i dont hav a phone...
How late did you stay up last night and why? 12:30 coz i watched life with derek
Do you have a flip or slide phone? I dont have a fone.. buht i think im getting iPhone or G1
Do you get along with guys or girls better? i get along with bothhhh
-Wonder Triccia- · Fri Mar 20, 2009 @ 02:22am · 0 Comments |