The Ulvur
Updates: The update time (i meant 03/16) and the language ( a side note )
-Not organized
-If you got specific questions, ask me. If its good enough, I'll either make it into a subject and post it here, or put it into an FAQ
-Whats here is Official
-Sorry if theres Typos
Bodily Appearance:
The Ulvur normally walk around in their basic humanoid form where they share and differ in many aspects and traits of humans. For males they tend to have long wavy or curly hair where as the woman tend to have long, smooth, straight hair. Males tend to have darker eyes or wolf eyes while females tend to have brighter eyes and sometimes wolf eyes as well. Both genders are abnormally taller than humans on average, reaching a normal of 6 foot 2 inches for males and 6 foot for woman. Both races also have two wolf ears on the corners of their skull, amplifying their hearing even in their humanoid form. Both genders may or may not have a tail in their humanoid form. Fangs are apparent in both genders although males have larger sets of fangs than the females. Fur is very unlikely in humanoid forms.
Despite living in harsh and extreme conditions of the northern continent and islands, where winters are long and the temperature can reach -80 overnight, the Ulvur normally wear thin layers of cotton or wool, or even layers of leather and armor, depending on the social class of that Ulvur. Light tonics or simple and long robes are also common among normal clothing though only workers usually go without their armor.
Ulvur tend to wear light leather armor to a few basic heavy armor pieces. Leather breastplates and chestplates are almost always were some Ulvur may have metal gauntlets or boots incase hand-to-hand combat comes into play. Any Ulvur wearing light armor generally means he or she fights in humanoid form most of the time while any Ulvur in heavy armor tends to fight in the Ulvur battle form most of the time. Light armors include: Fur, Leather, chainmail, though Leather is the most common.
Heavy armors include: Steel, Plate Mail, Scale Mail, Mythril, Iron though Steel is the most common
Social Class:
Though the Ulvur have social classes, all classes are treated equally. There are no royalty. The social class strutcure is small, but as follows: Worker, Warrior, High Warrior, Leader. Workers often stay inside the city and build structures out of wood, stone, or steel, and wear basic clothing. Do not be fooled as ALL Ulvur are trained to fight. The workers have the same skill as any warrior, just less experience. Warriors are split into sub categories: Lone Wolf and Hired Wolf. Lone Wolves are usually city guards or warriors to be hired by other Ulvur or by the Council. Hired Wolves are the military forces. To show the difference, a Lone Wolf wears no helmet while a Hired Wolf does. This shows the difference. High Warrior is an Ulvur that has seen battles for decades or centuries and has much experience. These Ulvur tend to be best warriors, next to Leader, of the Ulvur army as they prove their worth in battle after battle. Leaders are the highest, and always tend to be the captains of an army. Leaders always have the most experience, as they are the best of any warriors. To be a leader, you challenge the current Leader and win in a one-on-one combat. Its never a fight to the death, but it is third blood rule (first person to make 3 wounds, not deep, wins).
Mode of Living/Habits:
The Ulvur see themselves as guardians of nature, so they wage war on creatures that harm or destroy nature. This included humans from time to time, as the Ulvur when on 'Demon Hunts' to destroy entire colonies over night. The current Demon Hunt record is 5 snow troll caves, 3 dwarven settlements, 6 human villages, 3 orc encampements, and 2 human towns in the one week this takes place. This is where the Ulvur get their bad names from. Despite this, the Ulvur cherish the Elves that live just to the southeast of their continent and often pay visits. Some Ulvur stay behind and help the Elves and the Elves often do the same. This ended after the first Demon Hunt, however, as Elves fear the Ulvur and believe they are out of control. The Ulvur never attacks an Elven settlement, however. Ulvur also never affair in the businesses of other races, even when allianced with another race or species. They wouldnt go help defend or invade their allied attackers. The only agreement is neither will attack each other. Ulvur are also very territorial of their borders and towns. Any race or species not native to the Ulvurs continent is chased off or killed if neccessary.
Family Life and Culture
A Wolf Pack is the term used to describe a family of Ulvur. A family is small, so they tend to stick togethor with blood relatives or cousins to form large Wolf packs. There is no family ranking system, so a small family has an equal oppurtunity in town meetings and discussions as Large families. However, if your family has had a past of great warriors, you will be well noted more than another family that has little to no great warriors. Family feuds are rare, and never end in bloodshed. The Ulvur are very knittly tied togethor and close to each other. Each Ulvur is like a brother or sister to another. The last time one Ulvur killed another was nearly 5 centuries ago and it was in a training accident. When families do have disputes to settle, they settle them in the town hall where a small court is laid out to decide the final ruling. An Ulvur family usually consists of Mother, Father, and Child, since most Ulvur never get to bear more than a single child, as to keep the population of such an efficient race low. Because of this, Ulvur children are treated with the greatest of care and always watched over by an Ulvur parent or warrior. Sadly, an Ulvur child dying of disease before its immune system is strong is commom. Its another way nature balances out the power of the Ulvur race. Because of this, the last census performed on the Ulvur about five years ago resulted in about 72,520 Ulvur, which is extremly low considering the massive size of the continent they inhabit. This count is only 3,000 higher than nearly a millinia ago. Towns are small and have around 1500 or so Ulvur, living in wooden houses or structures high in the mountains and warmed via fireplace. Interiors of buildings are decorated with trophies and garments from warriors they have slain in battle. Statues of heroes and great warriors can also be found. At the far edge of towns are burial sites for their dead ones along with runestones above each grave that tells the story of how they died. There is also only 4 major cities that hold the majority of the Ulvur population. There is very little romance in an Ulvur life, considering that the child is trained in fighting as soon as he or she can walk. It is believed that Ulvur find mates via scent, but much is still unsure. There is no sexism in the Ulvur race, so it is common to find a female Leader or a female on the Council. Any female can be a warrior or a worker, it is ultimatly up to the Ulvurs skill as their skill decides what any Ulvurs occupation will be after being trained in the arts of war. Even though Ulvur can be aggressive and cruel at times, they will often advoid bloodshed if needed. If an Ulvur attacks anykind of settlement or cave, its always for a reason. Sometimes the Ulvur will keep tabs on places, then call up those tabs during the Demon Hunts. One time, a baby Ulvur was handed to a village as a test of friendship a very very long time ago. A few days later, the Ulvur learned the baby was mistreated. That following day, the baby was retrieved after a short and bloody fight. No villager left that battle alive. It was always said that is the reason why the Ulvur despise humans so much. Ulvur have very little to no farming experience, since the continent they live on is in snow year 'round, the weather is always too cold to attempt. The Elves have given them a few techniques, however, to help certian plants that bear a very sweet kind of fruit grow. This is one of many reasons why the Ulvur was in close relations with the Elves. Though the Ulvur policy is to never meddle in the affairs of others, the Ulvur did protect and save the nearby Elven settlement one time in history from a dwarven attack, forcing them back into their underground fortresses. It was also the first time the Ulvur attacked a dwarven fortress, which ended in a victory, but at the lost of several warriors. The Ulvur had underestimated them. For this reason, Ulvur never attack a dwarven fortress as they cannot risk reducing their population. This too all happened a very long time ago. Surprisingly, the Ulvur love songs and poetry, despite their war-like nature. A good comedy or tragedy helps lighten the spirits after a hard fought battle, which wasnt often thanks to how well the Ulvur fight, or the loss of someone close. Ulvur often sing along to the songs they have memorized or join in reciting poems they have kept close. Tales of heroes on epic journeys are the Ulvurs favorite. It is because of this, and the only reason, that a human minstral ever got to play in an Ulvur village with his small band. The Ulvur loved the play and always welcomed the minstral and his band when he came and always paid him well with gold and a house for the night. When the minstral finally died of old age, the Ulvur mages and spirit warriors (see Military) brought his soul back and asked if he would play for them everyday. The minstral and his band happily play for the Ulvur for the rest of eternity. Death is never feared by an Ulvur, as they believe in reincarnation and that if they did good, will return back as another Ulvur or live with mother nature as a spirit. This is but one of many reasons why the Ulvur are such fearless in battle and but one of many strengths. An Ulvur generally lives from 300-400 Years old, where they usually die of a disease of in battle, but technically can live for eternity. At the age of 20, an Ulvur isnt a child anymore, but isnt an adult. They take a test to become an adult by slaying a foe such as a troll. Despite the trolls heavy build around 500lbs and 15 feet tall, even an adult troll is no match for a 20 year old Ulvur. And a party, usually the family, of Ulvur stands nearby to help if something goes wrong which rarely does. The horns, or something else if something else was slain, is brought back to the town hall where a short ceremony brings the Ulvur into adulthood. The Ulvur also refuse advancements in technology and reject them. No Ulvur, however, works on technology, its the other races that try to bring them into the world of technology. The Ulvur have a strong sense of patience, despite what you may think, and often keep control of themselves even under extreme situations. Its one of the many practices that are taught and inherited from generation to generation.
The Ulvur are closely intwined with Nature, so they instinctively hunt only what they need to in order to survive and nothing further unlike the human settlements further south. The Ulvur are warm-blooded predators that mostly prey on quadrapedic animals such as Caribou and Antelope. The Ulvur consume plants as well, but only certain kinds or they contract food poisening. Skyweed berries and certain corns are the only vegetables that the Ulvur can consume. They drink nothing else other than fresh mountain stream water that flows through each city or town.
The Ulvur worship nature, or Rimjora in their language, unconditionally and lovingly. Everything is created by Nature and all are linked togethor spiritually. They also believe that Wolves were her first creation and were made to guard the world against other animals that go back against Nature, just as the Ulvur were created to do the same to other races that stray from the path. They believe the Ulvur and wolves must defend the world against evil because if the balance of nature falls then so will the world. The Ulvur believed that the elves have the similiar mission, which is one reason why the Ulvur respected the elves. The Ulvur strongly believe in Nature and if any race dissrespects her, they will pay with their lives. A human settlement once dared venture further north. After the Ulvur child mistreatment, they decided to give the humans another chance. Within days they had buildings. Within the next they were hunting far more than needed. Within weeks the other predators of the continent began starving. After that the human settelement was obliterated by a small group of Ulvur warriors. No questions asked. They disrupted the balance of Nature and thats all they needed to know. The Ulvur also believe the world will end if they fail to defeat the forces of Uhrum, thereby letting evil conquer the world and destroy mother nature. Its the primary reason why the demon hunts are started for anyone harming nature at this time or had several times, will be exterminated by the Ulvur. No exceptions. However, the Ulvur will not hunt any species to extinction, no matter how much harm they cause, because it was proclaimed a sacred law by Mother Nature. During demon hunts, by destroying the destoryers of nature, the Ulvur also believe they are destroying demons as they believe only demons against mother nature would destroy nature that she creates.
The Ulvur believe that they descend from the divine essence of a giant wolf by the name of Ulrivja, a combination of the words Wolf and Mother, which is also Mother Nature herself. The Ulvur were originally guardians for wolves but became more and more intellegent. As this happened, their bond with nature grew and made the strongest of possible relationships with the wolves and both races recognize each other. In fact, it is not uncommom to see wolves walking with Ulvur on hunts or even resting inside of houses and vice versa.
Ulvur have very little politics with other races, but do have a ruling council. This council takes a representative from each major city, currently 4, and all come togethor to make special decisions. The Ulvur Leaders family of the city is the representing family in the council. (by 'Pack' in this use, it means the entire city)
- Tyrvirja Vittra Korpurdil, current leader of the south pack
- Tyrvur Vakargrim the Red, current leader of the east pack
- Tyrvur Arnvidar Drakurulv, current leader of the west pack
- Tyrvirja Seivild Vakardottir, current leader of the north pack.
Special decisions include: When to go to war, the next Demon Hunt, Races setteling on the Ulvur continent (what to do to them or with them), And civil issues such as the maximum number of buildings per town and such.
The Ulvur have 3 classes of warriors: Soldier, Mage, and Spirit Warrior. The soldiers are the primary class and do most of the battling. The mages usually tend to be healers and barrier casters for the cities. The Spirit Warriors are the special forces that infiltrate enemy emcampments or fortresses. All three wear the crest of the city they pledge to protect and fight for on the front of their armor while the backs are kept for any rewards or praise from a good fight. A soldier, however, can move freely in a city, not being restricted to a bunker or specific area such as mages who must stay in the city hall to keep the barriers working. As for Spirit Warriors, they still have the same rights as anyone else. Remember, the Ulvur believe in equality, so being a soldier or spirit warrior still doesnt make you above anyone. No position does. However, being a spirit warrior is considered one of the greatest honors of the Ulvur race. Wether its turning to mist and seeping through cracks and holes, or swiftly and silently eliminating guards, the Ulvur Spirit Warriors sneak behind the enemies back and stab them. To be a Spirit Warrior, you must have mastered not only Ulvur magic, but Elven magic as well. Plus you need to have become one with nature through the Ulvur Spirit form (See Forms) and have full control of it, unlike the Ulvur battleform that is near uncontrollable at times no matter how often it is used. Despite how wild and demonic the Ulvur are portrayed, they are smarter at war than most races let on. War is planned, even if it seems like a unit of Ulvur just rush in and kill. For instance: During one invasion into a human settlement that refused to leave the continent, 6 Ulvur jumped over the bushes and slaughtered. However, as reinforcements came for the humans, they were flanked by a hidden group of Ulvur hiding in the bushes. The result trapped the survivors between the onslaught. WHy not run to the sides? The battle formed out into a circle and trapped them, just as the Ulvur planned. Soon the survivors were killed as well. No battle goes without a plan. Getting back to the Spirit Warriors; there is few of them. Not even a hundred are counted for yet, for the mastery of so much magic and spirit is near impossible even for Ulvur but are yet the only race to have done it for so many years. Its almost a pride that proves the Ulvur are doing the right thing, or so they believe, for bad deeds prevent any Ulvur from doing it and that Mother Nature chooses ultimatly in the end who can and cannot be. Even though soldiers dont use magic, they are taught a very basic regeneration spell for healing. However, it works too innefectively on deep wounds or gashes to actually do much effect. It is useful, however, for the small scratches and cuts the Ulvur sometime sgets during fighting. The mages not only cast a barrier and hold it, but if for some reason it falls, they can resort to a barrage of magic from fire to water, earth to wind, and even some lightening. However, they cannot be done at large scale, meaning one or two people at most get affected and a town normally only has 50-70 mages in their town hall, most which would be repairing the shield if it fell during combat which is very rare. Only once has a shield fallen, and it happened as the trolls made an alliance with nearby orcs who released a dreadful plague that affects small warm blooded creatures. Being a forieng disease, the Ulvur had no immunity and the mages died along with 80% of the Ulvur population, including soldiers, in that city. The following day the city fell by a swift invasion, the remaining soldiers far too weak to hold. The council was enraged and sent a massive army, cloaked in repellants and masked from forieng air, and recaptured the city. It was burnt to the ground and rebuilt. This happened nearly 4 millenia ago.
The Ulvur learn a vast array of weaponry. By the time they can walk, the Ulvur are trained in acrobatics and athletics to master endurance. After their trial to become a man at age 20 they go through 30 years of weapons training. Swords, Axes, Maces, Flails, Spears, Poles, Rapiers, Daggers, Knives, 2 Handed swords, Katanas, Great Swords and massive swords, Clubs, Hammers, Polearms, Pikes, Scythes, Bows, crossbows, javelins, and just about any weapon from around the world. Why? Its an act of competition. The Ulvur have mastered just about every possible weapon and style in the world, though each individual Ulvur eventually chooses one to be specifically trained in. Every single art of war has been mastered by an Ulvur before, but as I said each individual Ulvur chooses only one to master. That is because no single being can be taught so much and expect to know it all every second. So more to the point: Each individual Ulvur is taught about each weapon, style of fighting, and Hand-to-Hand, and then choose sone of each to master. For instance, an Ulvur can choose Giant Sword for weapons then are taught every little detail and fighting style for that weapon then chooses the style of hand-to-hand combat he or she prefers most. After 30 more years of knowledge are stuffed into their heads, the Ulvur go through 10 last years of learning to fight in groups and formations. Then finally the Ulvur can choose to go into specific classes (See Military). Siege engines are rarely used in anykind of battle (ex: Catapults, Rams, Ballista's, cannons, ect...) but are often collected as war trophies. No Ulvur really knows how to use it, however, and neither cares to learn.
The Ulvur have 3 forms: Humanoid, Battleform, Spirit Form. Most Ulvur spend a majority of their time in a humanoid form, performing manual labor as workers or forming scouts to keep trolls and other harmful creatures that intend harm away from the cities and young ones. However, when they allow the rage to get to them and embrace battle, they will shift into their battleforms: a 11-13 foot tall, thick fur, 400-500lbs. of muscle, massive werewolf-looking creature. As the rage fills their minds, their muscles react. Basically, they become stronger the madder that Ulvur becomes. The Ulvur dont often fight in their battleforms for small tasks, however, such as clearing out a cave of snow trolls or destroying a settlement. But during Demon Hunts, most Ulvur will spend the entire time in battleforms, letting the hatred against the demons wash over them. A snow troll once found a stray Ulvur child barely old enough to stand. The child was playing, too young to be aware of the troll. He raised his club, and that played his doom. The time that passe dafter that is less than it takes for a muscle to twitch; 3 Ulvur in their battleforms tackled the troll to thr ground and proceeded to make mince meat of the troll. The shift between Humanoid to Battleform can be as instant as that, or it can be slower, depending the level of rage or if the Ulvur is struggling for self control. The Spirit Form is when the Ulvur relinquishes all personal possessions, including clothes, and meditates until he or she can turn into a wolf form. For more experienced Ulvur they can do it with clothes and once mastered the change can be made to Spirit Form at any time. In Spirit Form you have all the hearing and sensibility of the Wolf, since the humanoid form is capped on the hearing and smelling and sight, and the Battleform isnt fully controllabl since its fueled by rage. This is why Spirit Warriors often spend their time in Wolf form and playing tactics and plans out as Wolves. Its also where wolves get their bad name from the humans. However, it easy to tell the difference between a normal wolf pack and an Ulvur Spirit Warrior pack: A normal wolf can be scared off. Spirit Warriors would either stare at you and watch or kill you if what you did to try and scare them was dissrespectful such as, oh say toss weapons and rocks or start fires to scare them off. Also, only Spirit Warriors have the ability to use magic whle still in their Spirit Form.
The Ulvur live across the continent in the area known as Vildfrost. The humans dont often venture into this area, but sometimes do. The Ulvur either warn them off or force them off. Often these disbutes turn into a slaughter for humankind, since almost every time the Ulvur ask the humans refuse. The elves have the Southeaster section of the continent and the humans have the southwest. The Ulvur allow the humans to live on the continent, since the Ulvur never sought to 'claim' the continent, they just simply live where they do and protect where they live from outside forces. For those humans daring enough to build villages inside of Ulvur territory are vaguely aware of the Ulvur always watching, even if th ehumans believe they are safe hundreds of miles away from any Ulvur settlement. The Ulvur use scouting parties of 5 each to scout areas of the continent. The Ulvur can get up to 30 miles a day in over flat terrain or foresty and 15 miles a day through mountainous regions. No place in Vildfrost is safe for humans, even if they build their dwellings high in mountains in the middle of plains to see if anything is coming long before it reaches them. Thats where the wolf form come sin handy as they blend into terrain and sneak upon the humans to watch. If you live in their land, you live by their rules. If you break a rule, depending how severe, your village is kept tabs upon. Once the maximum of 5 is broken, the scouting party reports to the Council and then a raiding party is sent to the village. Thats the end of it. The Ulvur themselves build high into the mountains. Very High. The town halls and villages are often built into the sides of ice walls or walls of frozen rock. Despite this, it helps insulate heat and the wooden structures dont allow enough heat to pass to melt ice or weaken rocks. If any human ever dared to near a village or city owned by the Ulvur means certain death as the Ulvur never allow a being they believe to be evil near a city or village. No Ulvur is territorial to another, wether it be an Ulvur from one city to the next or an Ulvur spending the night in anothers home, they are always hospitable and respectable to the other. The Ulvur love their territory, however, since they have been living in Vildfrost since the beginning of time, as they believe, and no one has ever, or ever will suggest, leaving.
Red Moon:
About every 115 years, the moon over the Cyhalloi continent is masked in red. It triggers a primal instinct inside of the Ulvur that turns them beserk. The first thing they do is shift to their battleforms. After that the Ulvur end up going on a blood thirsty quest to slay and slaughter anything in their paths. Sometimes even each other. This is the number 1 reason why the Ulvur have so few in numbers. Each time this happens the amount of Ulvur drop by nearly half. After this, to shorten the period of weakness by lack of numbers, the Ulvur go on a mating spree, based on instinct as well. Soon, about a third of the missing Ulvur population will be reborn and make up for the lack After about 50 more years the population, without the mass breeding, the population is just about back to normal. The Ulvur believe this to be punishment from nature when they have done something wrong or failed to defeat somekind of foe, since no Ulvur can control himself and kill friends and family and bretheren. The Council goes mad to find the problem. After a few more cycles of the red moon, howeverm the Ulvur realized its just a celestial phenomenah and decided its best to let nature take her course, rather than fight it for that would mean they are breaking sacred laws. Every Ulvur fears the date of the red moon.
The Ulvur tongue is too feral and animalistic to clearly make out or even speak. Its a complex system of growls and snarls, much like a wolfs, but actually make words if you can manage to make it out. No one knows or has the actual alphabet system or language system of the Ulvur, but a few words are known. Here are all the words known by humans.
( by 'City' i mean they represent the city in the Horad )
Aggrar (plur.) - Beasts; Monsters
Aggrarblot - The "Demon Hunt"; when the Ulvur set out to cleanse the world from the aggrar of Uhrum
Alver (plur.) - Elves
Arvang - The city of steel; the easternmost city of Vildfrost
Darnrunin - The city of runes; the westernmost city of Vildfrost
Drakenvargir - "Dragons of Battle"; the east pack ( 'pack' here is used as City )
Drakur (plur.) - Dragons
Dras (sing.) - Drasil; Tree-Spirit
Drimuxargaur - "Shadow and Chaos"; the evil lord of Uhrum; supposedly the ulvurian version of Coór
Dvargar (plur.) - Dwarves
Enharjar (sing./plural) - Warrior (male)
Frostalver (plur.) - The Cyhallrhim (Northern, or Winter, Elves)
Frosturjol - "Frostborn"; the western pack ( 'pack' here is used as City )
Ginnungarja - The "Nevermist"; The universe; The great, cosmic cloud of mist from where the world sprung into life
Karjakrar - (plur.) Curse word for destroyers of nature
Kharnakaur - The city of bartering; the southermost city of Vildfrost
Korpklinga - "Ravenblade"; the greatest heroine of ulvurian myth and history; also the name of the Ravenblade bloodline
Korplor - "Ravenfire"; the northen pack ( 'pack' here is used as City )
Ho-loga - The Sun
Horád - "High Council"; the government of Vildrost
Logor - The Element of Fire
Maner (plur.) - Humans
Mon-loga - The Moon
Mon-Tengilir - The city of the moon, the former southermost city of Vildfrost; destroyed in Túriad Stormsorg then rebuilt
Mon-Túrir - "Moon Claws"; the former second south pack
Nifel - The Element of Ice
Nifelgrim - "Evil Ice"; an aggrar lord of Drimuxargaur; the Ulvur's arch enemy; supposedly the ulvurian version of Ghelgath
Orminvakar - The "Everrage"; the final battle against the forces of Uhrum
Rimjora - Mother Nature
Rimvalarún - The city of lores; the northenmost city of Vildfrost
Ro-mon-loga - The "Red Moon"; the celestial phenomenon that enables the Ulvur's dreaded red frenzy or red beserk
Runulv (sing.) - Worker (male)
Runulva (sing.) - Worker (female)
Runvurin - "Runeguard", the south pack ( 'pack' here is used as City )
Skjuldarjir (sing./plural) - Warrior (female)
Stormulv (sing.) - Spirit Warrior; Druid (male)
Stormulva (sing.) - Spirit Warrior; Druid (female)
The Trinity - The combined essence of Logor, Nifel and Rimjora; the holy balance of nature and the world
Túriad Isenlor - The "Battle of Ice and Fire"; the first great battle against the forces of Uhrum
Túriad Stormsorg - The "Battle of Storm and Sorrow"; the second great battle against the forces of Uhrum
Tursar (plur.) - Trolls; Giants; Ogres; Orcs
Tyrvur (sing.) - The Leader (male)
Tyrvirja (sing.) - The Leader (female)
Uhrum - The Netherworld; the realm of Drimuxargaur
Ulv (sing.) - Wolf; Spirit Form
Ulvir (sing./plural) - Cub; young Ulvur
Urnjald the Cold - The general of Uhrum in Túriad Stormsorg; slain by Fréyra Korpklinga
Varg (sing.) - Battle Form
Vildfrost - The Cyhalloi continent; the home of the Ulvur
The Ulver Humanoid, Battle, and Spirit Forms are in this picture
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An Ulver mother teaching her son about weapons
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An Ulvur fights a snow troll to earn her right to adulthood
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Town Hall of Kharnakaur
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Do the Ulvur use boats or canoes?
A: No
Q: What about science and technology?
A: The Ulvur reject all, believing it leads to corruption and Evil
Q: Did the Ulvur ever leave the continent?
A: Not officially, but 13 millenia ago, before air dragons went extinct thanks to snow trolls, they used the air dragons to fly around and gather intel on other continents.
Q: What is the Ulvur's natural predator
A: Nothing. However, the reason for diseases is thanks to humans mining. Deep in the caves foreign cantagion lived dormantly.