African VioletOriginal size -> Link.Plants are often unseen by the world. Sad, but true.
The puppy got groomed earlier today, which took nearly five hours to do. o.O Dude, no one takes that long to get ready...*blinks*...well...I'd bet Bill would take that long if he ever wanted to.
razz It isn't only me they're spending on, but they got the puppy groomed and pampered and now he looks gorgeous. <3 But then, he deserves it after the s**t he went through to get to where we all are now.
Also, while keeping my fingers crossed with the prospect of getting a job, once I save up enough money, I'm buying myself a moped so I don't have to keep bothering the grandparents to drive me to and from work. We went out around town while the puppy was getting groomed and went hither and yon to get used to the place. There's a mall in town, but it's like the mall back at home, but bigger.
..Speaking of the mall, when me and the grandparents sat down so they could rest a bit before moving around again, I heard what I thought was Nena's song 99 Luftballoons. I originally thought it was just me hearing things and going nuts, but then my grandmum heard it and I did a little dance because it was the original German song. *jazz hands* It could be that the place was playing it off of the Watchmen soundtrack, but it's still awesome to hear it.
biggrin I also put in an application for IHop, so I have my fingers crossed tight that they'll give me a ring and I'll finally have a job.