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Shiz's Journal
This journal contains all my crazy ramblings and nonsense.
A torn piece of paper that's been taped together
Yeah, that's exactly how I feel: a torn piece of paper that's been taped together. I've been feeling kind of depressed for the past few weeks.

I received an iPod Nano for my birthday back in September and someone stole it from me near the end of October. I didn't even have it for a month yet and someone had already stolen it! I've been feeling down since then because well, it's damn expensive and it was gift from my whole family. I probably should've known better than to bring it to school but I left it in my bag which I thought no one would go through. Well someone had to prove me wrong. I told a few of my friends about it and at first they thought I misplaced it. There is absolutely no way I could've done that. I put it in the front pocket of my bag when I got to my locker in the morning and I didn't touch it for the rest of the day. It wasn't until I got home and opened the pocket that I realized I didn't have it.

I figure it's this guy in my science class that took it. I knew it had to have been stolen in science class because I had that class right after lunch. During lunch, I put $5 of my lunch money in the same pocket with my iPod right before I left the cafeteria. I remember I left my bag alone at my desk during science class to talk to my friend across the room; that's when I believe it was stolen. I know it had to be then because the $5 I put in my bag was missing too, and that was the only time after lunch I left my bag alone. The reason why I think that particular guy in my science class took it is because everyone else was crowded around the area that I was because my teacher was explaining something to us and that guy was the only one that wasn't part of our crowd. Now, if this person really did take it, "how would he know where to look?" is what I asked myself. Then I remembered that a few weeks before it was stolen, he came up to me and asked me if I had an iPod Nano. I replied yes and he asked to see it. I took it out of the pocket I usually keep it in to show him. So then I knew that he knows where I keep it. Also, he just seems like the type of guy who would steal. I've known him for 2 years since elementary and he doesn't exactly have the best reputation. All my friends from elementary who I've spoken to about the matter agree with me.

A few days ago I asked one of my loud friends to speak to this guy for me. She made it look like we were fighting so he would feel more comfortable admitting to her that he did take it if he did. I asked her to ask him if he took it but instead she said something along the lines of "Kathy is pissing me off! I want to squish her stupid Nano!" as an act to make him think we're fighting. She told me that he turned all silent and started backing away a bit. I don't know if I should consider that proof of him taking it. I plan to confront him in a few days. I don't want to do it so soon after my friend spoke to him so it doesn't look like a set up. I'm thinking of giving up my cellphone as a reward to anyone who can get my iPod back or give me any information about where it is.

The cellphone brings me to the next big thing that happened to me in the past few months. Last Wednesday (Nov. 2nd) was "Take your Kid to Work Day". My dad didn't want to bring me to his workplace because he was afraid his boss wouldn't allow it so I went with a friend to her dad's workplace. Her dad works for Rogers Cable. I took a tour of the building but first all the grade nines met in a board room to learn more about Rogers. There was a raffle for the grand prize which was a cellphone. I guess I was really lucky to be picked out of about 30 other people. It's one of those Much Music Pay As You Go phones. I told my friend sugary_cinnamoroll about my winning and she jokingly said it was a gift from God to replace my iPod. Anyway, I was on TV as well. I was part of the studio audience of this TV show by Rogers called Daytime Toronto. I've never heard of it at the time because I'm at school when it airs. After the whole workplace thing I went back to my friend's place and she played me Aerith's Theme on the piano. She made quite a few mistakes but I still thought it sounded pretty good because her theme is one of my favourite FF songs.

The last thing I want to mention is that my friend Discustingly.Delicious and I are going to attempt to make a comic book (or doujinshi if you want to call it that). Similar to that of a manga except it reads from left to right and is only one book long. The characters are going to be based off FF7/Advent Children but I changed their designs. I hope no one thought "OMG OVERRATED!!" after reading that. Don't get me wrong. I know it's overrated, but it's going to be slightly comical, and the FF7 cast is just so easy to poke fun at. This mini project of ours is the tape to my tornness if that's even a word. It's one of the things that keeps me happy and busy. I got the entire story done today which made me extra happy. Now I just got to plan out how the panels will be arranged and then draw the actual comic. Afterwards I will give them to sugary_cinnamoroll to add special effects in Photoshop. I might post it on the internet if I'm not lazy to make a site layout. I'm trying to get it done by the end of the school year.

I think that just about sums up everything I wanted to say. At least I covered all the "high" points of my life. Oh hold on, I forgot to write about the first few days of highschool. Ah well, it doesn't seem so special now that it's routine. So I guess I'll end my journal here.

The Shiznits
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The Shiznits
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    commentCommented on: Sun Nov 13, 2005 @ 10:30pm

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