00. Yuri Hyuga - Shadow Hearts [I WILL HAVE YOU!] C'est la vie. 01. Richard Angora - OC [Because he's spiffy. Though I might redesign him slightly.] 02. Beatrix - FFIX [Because she is one fo my fave characters.] 03. Johnathan Shaw - OC [Because he's one fo my fave OCs.] 04. Ajora/Altima - FF Tactics [Cause like, I have ajora.net - maybe if I were to breed Ajora, a kid could become Altima. That's so wrong. xd ] 05. Kain Highwind - FFIV [Dragoon love, yo.] 06. Freya Crescent - FFIX [See above.] 07. Izlude Tingel - FF Tactics [See above. Also, FFT lurve] 08. Sydney Losstarot - Vagrant Story [Because sydney rocks my f'ing socks. Hell, he's a close second with Yuri. Let's be honest.] 09. Ramza Beoulve - FFT [Because Ramza = <3] 10. Agrias - FFT [Not evne trying to rememebr her last name, but damn, she's liek Bea.] 11. Locke Cole - FFVI [Because I adore Locke.] 12. Dias Flac - Star Ocean: The Second Sotory (SO2) [Cause Dias is god.] 13. Albel Nox - Star Ocean: Til the End of Time (SO3) [Albel is also god.] 14. Indalecio - SO2 [Cause Indy kicks everyone's a**] 15. Kefka - FFVI [Because he's a ******** nutcase. And better then Sephy. YEAH YOU HEARD ME.] 16. Kuja - FFIX [Because I <3 villains who can redeem themselves in the end. And his themes kick tons of a** to boot.] 17. Mog - FFVI [Because Moogles kick a**.] 18. Cait Sith - FFVII [Cause I like Cait, yo.] 19. Mintaka Angora - OC [Sorry Min, you're low on the list but high enough. xd As soon as I settle on a design... or I use Maiji's fanart. xd *dork*] 20. Ashley Riot - Vagrant Story [VG lurve] 21. Etna - Disgaea: Hour fo Darkness [Etna rocks.] 22. Prinny - Disgaea [Because Prinnies pwn you all.] 23. Seraph Lamington - Disgaea [Because.] 24. Red Mage - FF1 [Cause I adore Red mages. Actually, I'd rather the red mage design from FFIX or FFTA.] 25. Setzer - FFVI [Cause!] 26. *to add more later*
Yeah. A compeltely random list of "good ideas" We ALL KNOW I would never have that many.