Lunar King
Many tales happen in life, on daily bases. From big to small, evil to good, dark to light, etc . . . They all happen for some reason, but can't be avoided, some legends, some stories, or something else. They all have a lession, but now here is a legend about to begin. Now lets take you to the Dusk Desert.
Two cloak figures were walking through a dark desert. The first one yelled "Where is the god damn Luna Village!?!" he exclaimed. The second looked and said "calm down Rai it's just up ahead" she said. Rai sighed as he countinue to walk, but fell off a cliff on to a tower and she jumped down after him. She thought she landed on her a**, but he caught her. He asked her "you alright Hikari?" he asked her and she blushed very hard and try to look away from him. He put her down and started to walk towards a door.
An explosion appeared and soldiers came out and said "stop or will fire!!!" the soldier exclaimed. He looked and sighed of annouyence. He threw off his cloak to show a katana he was holding and in normal teen clothing. He raised the sword in the air and said "Rey Segador" spanish to english "King Reaper" He exclaimed. It turned into a scythe with a chain at the end of it. He swung it down and said "tumba" spanish to english "tomb" he exclaimed. He buried them into the wall and sighed.
He sighed as he helped Hikari down the stairs to an empty lobby and sat down with Hikari sat next to him. She yawned and fell asleep and he said "I guess she's tired" he said and looked at the ceiling and then he fell asleep.
Next time:
Rai: Next time we finally met up with an old friend
Hikari: you mean daddy?
Rai: yes Shinigami, your father!!!
Hikari&Rai: Episode two, Shingami appears!!!