Got snappy with pete lastnight, and after what I said wouldn't be suprised if he doesn't talk to me for a few days. -Le sigh-
I've been trying to get things together and get a better handle on what's going to be going on if/when I move there for school, and it's not helping any that work here is currently slashing the hell outta my hours, if they drop me to 12 a week again I'm going to have a fit in the managers office. This year I REALLY cant afford to go that low. Not with tuition payments, and a possible car in the works and all of that.
Taxes are being kind to me, from what I figured about 900 back from federal. The majority of which will go straight to the savings for that added interest boost. Go Go Gadget money! [God, I wish it was that easy.]
Other than that, School is peachy, I can't study to save my life, my mind just won't focus. Meh, all for now.
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Whatever I can think of I guess. ^_^
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