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Blood Journal
As I lay awake and think of you I cant help but wonder???? Do you miss me? It seems like forever since I last saw you... I can feel my heart break each time I think about you. But I do it anyway....
The girl broken on the floor. Dying and screaming. Falling through the cracks she cant fix. Wanting one of them to help her. Maybe if they did she would join them. i mean after all the others left her. Lied to her. Told her they wanted her near them. but they all mumbled under their breath saying something else. She just wanted to know the truth. And now here she is fighting their enemies for them. Getting creamed by them, The others don't care. So as she lay dying and screaming she thought to herself, I'll get them back one day. Kill them all. for lying to her. for leading her through a fake path. that made her life fall down. Just so she could be with them and help them. Not caring for herself getting in trouble. with the rest of the world. all for them. Help me realize the darkness they have spread through my heart she crys. maybe they just don't realize how ******** up ive been and how much help I use to need from them to change me. they thought they liiked the way I was when we first met then they realized i wasn't all they thought i was. Whatever you could have left me to fade along time ago. instead you've all made it worse. Beating herself up when she messed up. Wishing she could have done it differently. there all perfect to each other. she just wasn't for them. she could have gone her whole life without wasting her time on them. but she did it because she came attached and was scared to let go of them. She apologized way too many times. more than she needed to. She tried to ignroe them but they kept bothering her. Shut the ******** up an leave me alone she would shout in her head. i cant be.......... Be the person you want to get rid of becasue you realized im nothing but a lie. and even when i told the truth about somehting you always thought different. And She wanted to still be there for them. And slowly she is starting to realize it all over again

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