They're lining up to go insane.
Apparently, Gaia ate my previous journal entry. Rest assured, it was the best journal entry ever. EVER. And you'll never get to read it. Oh well, I'll redo it later. It was ******** huga, and I'm not feeling up to it right now, sicne I'm getting a shitkicker of a migraine. One that cause me to almost vomit at work. God, I hate being sick. Goddamnit.
On a lighter note.. Some kickass new games are coming in the next 3 weeks, that will leave me broke and timeless but happy. Castlevania, The movies, Gun, Stubbs the zombie, Need for speed most wanted, and Guitar Hero. Dear christ.. I don't have enough money for all that.
Twistex · Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 10:52pm · 4 Comments |