Gretchen on Religion
Hello, as many of you may know, I am atheist. If you don't like it, I DON'T CARE. Religion is what people made up so they wont be afriad of dying. They also made it up to think they have reason to be on this Earth. Also they use it as an explanation for why we're here. #1: Everybody dies, suck it up. #2: Nobody has a reason to be here, we just are. #3: We're here because of evolution. If you ask me, I'd rather belive in us evolving than in "some magical man in the sky created us in 6 days" theory. I mean seriosuly ppl come on! We can do better than that, a big smart race like us.
The reason why i particulary don't like super-religious ppl is because i have had some bad experiences. #1: When i told a friend that i was atheist, she screamed, "DEVIL CHILD!!!" and told me to get out of her house and never come back. Then they got a fence and moved. #2: Religious ppl think we need their prayers because "God" will send us to hell.
Well thats all mrgreen
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