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View User's Journal

New School
Welcome Ration High School and welcome to a journey of a life time.

Really do I need to say more everytime, crappy or malo song!

The Night arrives
Battle wages
No Tyrannt Stands!
Swords kill
He just stares down
He kills!

The princess just...
Sleeps away
She sees nothin'
A black void...
The Knight!

He arrives
He looks
He kills
He hates
He knows no FEAR!!!!

He becomes...
the battles'...
He just stares
He protects
He loves

The queen loves
The king just stares
His blade held...
by the dead...

He becomes cold
He's still young
His sister-in-law...
loves him
She holds him tight

He just acts cool
He really knows...
He's in love!!!
He kills and loves...
His enemies now!!!

He's a young man
She's a young woman
both in LOVE!!!
He protects!
She Heals!

He walks..
Amoung his enemies
He just stares...
at HELL!!!!
Ceberus cowards
The Reaper just stares
Hades laughs
Satin looks
Luster and Death hold him

He becomes
He wields
He loves
He hates
He is...


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