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View User's Journal

New School
Welcome Ration High School and welcome to a journey of a life time.
The God

The Gate stands Tall
The dog with three heads
It stares down at you
He just Stares
With skeletions there
You lose all to it!!!

You see a vortex
The Reaper stands
You lose your soul to . . .

You Stand Alone
The flames scortching
Your Flesh gone
You see the gods killing
The Devil laughs
Your scared for LIFE!!!!

You see fallen commrades
You see past generations
You see your life
All have been KILLED!!!!

Your body has been destroy
Nothing left
You stand alone
You stand there dead
You only have one thing . . .

You stand at the top
Your opponents killed
A bloody mess
Your blade bloody and cold
Steel has been harden
Eyes turned cold
Now you have arrived!!!

You stand there starring at Zeus
You hold the blade
He looks and seals you away
You now become evil
You became the Demon!!!

Your the Devil!!!
The Demon!!!
The rest of unpure!!!

Now you laugh
You just stare
Now your a god!!!
Leave out nothing
Consume Fear
Make it yours'

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