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New School
Welcome Ration High School and welcome to a journey of a life time.
The Grim Reaper!!!

This song was something I made when I was bored, so its crappy and its the first time writing one so here we go, also imagine with heavy metal band:

Welcome to your death
The man with no flesh
He has come for you
He has no mercy
He stands in death
He comes and goes
Feel your death and die!!!

The Reaper!
The god of death!
The man in the name of death!
He has come for you!
Now shut up and DIE!!!!

He has no bounds
He covers his face in darkness
He shows no mercy to you!
He hides behind every death!
He'll appear and disappear with you!

The man of DEATH!!!
The Shinigami!!!
The four Horse Men!!!
He is the god of death!!!
Fear the SCYTHE!!!!
Now prey for your swift and easy kill!!!

Now lay down and DIE!!!!!
You shall see the day of all!!!
You'll have no regrets
You have seen god!!!
Now you have lost your soul to him!!!
Just fall into the grave
Just lay there dead!!!!

Now the day of death to all has come!!!
You have now lost everything!!!
Be gone and good redence!!!
You have lived to the end
That was your pitfull life
You just ended with the SCYTHE!!!

The Reaper!!!
The man with no face!!!
The Shinigami!!!
The god of gods!!!!
The four horse men!!!
He stands alone on you!!!

He has come with no desire
No life
No soul
No mercy
Only Death!!!!

You Rised!!!
You Fallen!!!
You were here!!!
Your gone!!!!
Now you offically Died!!!

Now the Day of the end has come
the angel of death has come
his skeletion is all of all
his scythe the weapon of death
he has no bounds
He has his one request
That is too DIE!!!!

Now your gone!!!
The end of days!!!
No life at all!!!
He is GOD!!!

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