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Huskii XIII's Captain's Log
Rambling ideas for my Novel that is going to pwn Hary Potter (and definately Twilight).
Obligitory first journal post
First post on my new account. First thing is first to those who probably aren't aware of my existence, and therefore won't read this - hello. I am a wannabe-writer who loves to mostly write shonen ai romances or humour-esque oneshots (for those who don't know what shonen ai means...it's probably best if you don't, and you probably wouldn't care for it). I'll probably use this site to just potter around, dress up my adorable avatar, play puzzles and then ramble on and on and eventually boring any hapless soul that stumbles upon this half to death with my rants and half assed story ideas.

Such as, has all the good plot devices already been snapped up? The Harry Potter idea was a good one, and you could broaden so much on it, but I'm not sure that trying would be classified as legal - someone said that J.K. Rowling had copyrighted it so any hint of a Harry Potter spin off would automotically get the plagarism lawyers beating down your door with their bulletproof briefcases and dragging you to the jailhouse.

Which I'll probably end up in soon - apparently a judge in Australia has marked that anyone who has a shota picture on their computer be marked as a sexual predator and thrown in jail. Wooboy... *wipes brow*

Well, to stop myself from rambling, that's my first obligitory post.

Huskii XIII
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Huskii XIII
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