some would say theyre a powerful way for your subconcience (or however thats spelled) to tell you things that, in your waking life, you dont realize, or dont want to accept. i would say theyre an annoyance, and only succeed in confusing or depressing me.
of course, i am grateful that my dreams can tell me something...
i have a friend that says she doesnt hav dreams.. or that if she does, she doesnt remember them. im not saying that i want to be in her position.. but i just wish that my dreams would be more.. straight-forward.
i found a website about a year ago that interprets dreams, and have been a regular on their "dream dictionary." you type in an element from your dream, and it interprets it, and tells you what your subconcience was trying to say in showing that to you. but, like all websites, it has flaws. about a quarter of the words that i search dont return an answer, or dont give clarify what it means. some have two meanings, and, of course, it shows me the one that WASNT in my dream.
i just cant stand not knowing what im trying to tell myself! what does it mean?! why is it so hard to figure out?! and why does each dream seem to have a negative connotation?
its like, everytime i type something into he dream dictionary, it gives me something negative back.
this signifies confusion.. or.. this signifies dissatisfaction...
why cant my dreams be happy?
with the answers that this website is giving me, i may never want "a dream come true."
just last night, i had the weirdest dream i can remember in a long time. it involved bringing the moon down and being afraid that it was gonna pop like a water balloon. then me and an unknow person were trapped on an island, and we made boogie boards and paddled our way back to civilization to convince characters from gilmore girls not to break up. THEN, once we failed, we had to paddle back, and becasue we failed, our food supplies had disappeared. and riding on a roller coaster with my mom with no seats.. we literally had to cling onto a rod on the roller coaster, and if we let go, we would most likely fall to our deaths. it involved me and my mom going into a store so she could go to the bathroom, and while she was in there, i was being chased around a letter store by a man with a gun. we were surrounded by people, yet no one cared enough to help me, let alone glance my way while i hid behind shelves and ran around the store, occasionally super-hero jumping onto the shelves to get away from the killer. finally, he had me cornered at gun-point, and i didnt move, but he backed away without laying a hand on me. thats when i went searching for my mom in the bathroom as she was coming out. we walked to a clothing store and she was fighting with a sales clerk about how angry she was that they didnt have her size.
the next thing i know im running through a sewer with the characters from spongebob to fix something. a few of us slipped off the edge and nearly fell to our deaths in a frickin sewer. but there was a convieniently placed ladder, so that those of us who fell could climb up.
do you think that a website will have THAT in their dictionary?
of course not! so im sitting here ranting on the computer about my confusing frickin dreams that are driving me up the wall.
i dont know what to do anymore. on one hand, i WANT to go to sleep so i can dream, but half the time i dont even REMEMBER what i dreamed about!
ugh. dreams are too much trouble.
i think its time to take the interpretting into my own hands.......
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Hyou Oite Seimei
In my journal I want to write about the things that I'm going through in my life right now. It will be a basic run-through of the situations I get in and out of.
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