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View User's Journal

My private public journal
Dear Nate,

I dose of everyday thinking of you, waiting to get home so I could call you, talk to you. I try to visualize you but still look at your picture. I love hearing your voice. I've cried my self to sleep because I know I won't see you for a long time. I miss seeing you everyday and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I see you in my future as you see me in yours. I put my faith in god that I will see you again. I can't even begin to describe my feelings for you, it would take a million words or more. I can't wait for the day that we will hold hands, laugh, talk, see each other and stay together forever. I can't wait to kiss you.
To my one and only love

DaRkNeSs CaN nOt DrIvE oUt DaRkNeSs, OnLy LiGhT cAn Do ThAt. HaTe CaN nOt DrIvE oUt HaTe, OnLy LoVe CaN dO tHaT.

-MaRtIn LuThEr KiNg JR.

I Can Accept Failure, But I Can't Accept Not Trying.


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