Dear Nate,
I dose of everyday thinking of you, waiting to get home so I could call you, talk to you. I try to visualize you but still look at your picture. I love hearing your voice. I've cried my self to sleep because I know I won't see you for a long time. I miss seeing you everyday and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I see you in my future as you see me in yours. I put my faith in god that I will see you again. I can't even begin to describe my feelings for you, it would take a million words or more. I can't wait for the day that we will hold hands, laugh, talk, see each other and stay together forever. I can't wait to kiss you.
To my one and only love
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DaRkNeSs CaN nOt DrIvE oUt DaRkNeSs, OnLy LiGhT cAn Do ThAt. HaTe CaN nOt DrIvE oUt HaTe, OnLy LoVe CaN dO tHaT.
-MaRtIn LuThEr KiNg JR.
I Can Accept Failure, But I Can't Accept Not Trying.
-MaRtIn LuThEr KiNg JR.
I Can Accept Failure, But I Can't Accept Not Trying.