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View User's Journal

My private public journal
Heres to the future cuz I'm done with the past
Sometimes you just feel
everything and nothing all at once.
Sometimes you'll find yourself smiling
while missing something at the same time.
At times you can absolutely love a person
all the while wanting to hate them.
Life comes with guarantees
Except that smiling with brighten your face
Laughing will enhance your eyes
and falling in love will change your life,

DaRkNeSs CaN nOt DrIvE oUt DaRkNeSs, OnLy LiGhT cAn Do ThAt. HaTe CaN nOt DrIvE oUt HaTe, OnLy LoVe CaN dO tHaT.

-MaRtIn LuThEr KiNg JR.

I Can Accept Failure, But I Can't Accept Not Trying.


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