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View User's Journal

My private public journal
Life and Why?
Take chances and take a lot of them
because honestly no matter where
you end up and with who it always
ends up just the way it should be. Your
mistakes make you who you are. You learn
and grow all the choices you make.
Everything is worth it. Say how you
feel always. Be you and be happy with it

DaRkNeSs CaN nOt DrIvE oUt DaRkNeSs, OnLy LiGhT cAn Do ThAt. HaTe CaN nOt DrIvE oUt HaTe, OnLy LoVe CaN dO tHaT.

-MaRtIn LuThEr KiNg JR.

I Can Accept Failure, But I Can't Accept Not Trying.


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