As I lay awake and think of you I cant help but wonder???? Do you miss me? It seems like forever since I last saw you... I can feel my heart break each time I think about you. But I do it anyway....
No ya know what???? It doesnt even effing matter because Without Tristan I cant breathe, He's always on my mind, I want to avoid my friends when he's not there cuz i cant think straight. I love him so much. I know that i keep saying this is diffrent from all the rest. and i dont care if you dont believe me. but I would do anything just to be with him now and forever. I cant stand not being near him. Hearing his voice his laugh. or even stand a day without looking at his face. this is all torture for me and he has no clue how much i never want to let him go and how much i freaking love him. Tristan if only you knew. I dont know if you would understand why i feel like this about you or if you would even care but I love you so so so so so so so so so so so much and I hope that i dont have to keep worrying that I might not ever see you again. or when i will see you again. i keep getting my hopes up when i think your there and your not. it hurts but i have to deal with it for the sake of everyone that loves me becasue if i do something really stupid or irrational then i dont know what could happen. but i dont want to chance it. Tristan Babe I Love you and always will. DONT FORGET THAT PLZ.