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visiting from California!
Yes, America.
I'm like, "What the hell. Asian in America? YOU MUST BE SO TINY!"
and so he is.
Cool thing, he's gay.
He hasn't told my grandfather though. But my grandma knows~
she's totally fine with it. For some betcheh old lady, she's totally fine with the way her son is ._." haha
it was so funny. My grandma was on the phone with one of her cousins, I guess. And she was helping him with his English. She was like, "T-H-E-I-R as in THEIR. It's a possesive noun"
something like that.
I was like, wow. She knows English. HAHA
My grandmother...speaks many languages.
And travels all over the place.
She's a small Asian woman, but looks pretty strong and it's scary.
haha. She's lean and tough~
I don't know
I don't have Christmas with my mum.
Go figure.
I had Italian food for lunch~! It was soo good!
Me and Suzu had some fun drawing on this paper though.
Being the 5 year olds that we are XD
oh, Mero said that
Me and Yuki would look so cute together
XD Because yesterday, both of us were sitting next to eachother waiting for the bus. And Mero saw us, and -betch- was with Meiun. And they both were like, "Aww they look so cute together."
if only!