No, seriously. Let's face facts--SD Gundam Capsule Fighter is one of many mech MMOs that people like me would seriously love to be able to play. Problem is, Korea and China are hogging it all to themselves and leaving us Gundam fans in other parts of the world in the dust. With the chances of SDGO being released worldwide being nothing short of nil, I opted for the closest thing to it I could get--Exteel.
Originally I had a bit of trouble starting it up (damn Vista), but once I got in, I realized exactly what I had been missing out on--a Mech MMO that actually keeps people like me hooked. BOTS Online failed to do that and even Zero Online, a MMO that I still believe is good, still couldn't keep me hooked. After a few Last Stand matches with other random players defending bases from hordes of Drone-controlled Mechanaughts, I had a good feel for the weapons and in only 3 matches. Still have lots of work to do leveling up and obtaining superior parts, but in the end--Exteel is the ONLY MMO I've played that in terms of keeping me hooked, rivals Flyff.
Now let's picture Rangers and Elementers in Flyff wielding Rocket Launchers and Cannons in the mold of those used by the Mechanaughts you field in Exteel. biggrin
CrazyBunnyShota Community Member |