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Donators (As of November 8-24, 200 cool

uselessDreams: 200g -//- Pumpkin_stealer: 500g+450g-//- x - C l a r i t y - x : 400g -//- Kiuiv 600g -//- Traenia 400+400=800g -//- - C h o c o C a n n o n: 400g -//- -Tishsl0ve-:300g -//- RacingHope: 300g -//- Naomi Minami: 500g+500g -//- Prillupop: 350g -//- iShunpei: Golden Tiara -//- i lo v e n e s t e a: 500g -// phompy: 400g -//- kittypop6598 350g -//- RageConcept: the goldfish will do xd -//- -iLoveYouVeryMuchie-: 800g -//- Keldara: 450g -//- iPainx: 500g -//- iPlushies R Us: 623g -//- Crystal_nightfall: 400g -//- madcow296: 500g -//- shesavestheday: Tiara and 150g
Tini_Kitty 1000g (Yey first 1000g donation today) -//- x - C l a r i t y - x: yey! I have my on COON TAIL Thankies! -//- Urikho: Thankies foe the Clothes+Dionaesil+ and wolf ears heart . and a (RD) of a Holy Gauntlets -//- Austin_farmer (RD): thankies for the robe! -//- Isalace (RD): Thanks for the flower dear! 4laugh -//- Kaori Fallen Angel: 3k donation heart heart heart and thanks for the advice. XD -//- Skymera: 1k donation! Thankies XD -//- cuteforeverandever: Thankies heart -//- Gabrielle Lionheart: Darn good trade 6k adn a Black magic wig, awesome XD -//- WInterflight: She goes on this list! Wew, she's awesome XD

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