Chapter 1
Little two-year old Michelle bounced happily into the room where Chester was working on a song but was abandoned when he saw his adopted daughter with a grin plastered all over her face. “Daddy, Daddy!” exclaimed Michelle as she jumped into his lap and beamed up at him with happiness dancing in her eyes.
Chester smiled down at his hyperactive daughter and ruffled her hair. “What do you want? I’m working on a song.” he said in a teasing tone.
“Play with me.” she said in an obvious two-year old manner.
Chester smiled sadly at her. “Baby, I can’t. Daddy has to work on this song for my new album that’s coming out soon and I have to get it done. Tell you what? How about I call Uncle Joe and see if he can play.” Joe would always come over whenever Chester was busy and play with Michelle. Ever since Chester brought her home, 9 months ago, they became best friends instantly.
“Yay! Uncky Joey coming over!” squealed Michelle excitedly as she hopped off Chester’s lap and ran to her room to get her things ready.
Chester just shook his head as he watched her go. It’s been 9 months since they first met. Chester could remember it clearly. It was a memory that would stay with him forever.
Chester shivered in the cold night air as he walked down the cracked up sidewalk and to his next door neighbor’s house. He rang the door bell a couple of times before a man answered it. He was a little taller then Chester and wore a sweat shirt and baggy jeans. His hair was black and spiked up and he had an air of authority about him. “What do you want?” he asked rudely.
Chester cringed when he smelt the alcohol on his breath but regained his composure and began speaking. “I just came over to welcome you into the neighborhood since I saw a moving truck over here.” The guy gave Chester a dark glare.
“Whatever. Now if you don’t mind, I have some important business to attend to. Goodbye.” the guy slammed the door in Chester’s face, signaling the end of their conversation.
Chester just huffed at the closed door, giving it an evil glare before turning briskly on his heel and walking away. “Some neighbor he’s going to be.” thought Chester bitterly as he walked away.
Just as he walked down the first step, a child’s scream stopped him dead in his tracks. He whipped around to find that it was coming from the house he was at moments ago.
Walking up the steps more cautiously, Chester peered though the window that was by the front door and let out a shocked gasp.
The man that Chester has previously talked to was hovering over a little girl who looked no more then two years old. He was yelling and swearing at her. Chester could make out what they were saying.
“You piece of crap! How dare you spill your milk onto my clean carpet! You’ll pay!” The man grabbed the girl by her hair and started punching her and throwing her to the ground. The little girl’s cries went on unheard, as she got beat up and hurt in more way then one.
“I sorry Dada!” the little girl managed to speak as hot tears fell down her bruised face and laded on the chrisom carpet.
“Shut up! I didn’t say you can speak!” the beating got more severe as time went on and Chester didn’t know how much of this he could stand. The little girl’s pleas of “stop” rang in his ears like a broken record and it was making him mad. What kind of a monster would do this? Who would want to this to an innocent little girl? Chester didn’t understand.
Chester looked back up to see that they were heading towards the front door where Chester was. With some quick thinking, Chester dove behind a bush that was nearby and waited for what was going to happen next.
He didn’t have to wait long, though. The front door swung open and the man walked out holding the child in his arms who was sobbing uncontrollably. He then walked over to a nearby tree and tied a rope around her neck and then tied the rest around the tree. Holding her at arms length, the man released her and watched as the girl fell to the ground below, banging her head against the tree and then the ground and cried harder then ever before. The man gave a satisfied smirk as he looked at his crying daughter and, without a single word, turned on his heel and headed back into the confines of his house.
Chester, thinking it was safe, crept from the confides of his hiding place and walked cautiously over to the hysterical little girl who was curled up into a ball and crying at the top of her lungs.
Chester slowly bent down so he was level with the child and took in the extent of her scarred body. Whip marks lingered her arms and shoulders. She wore rags for clothes and bruises covered the majority of her body. Chester couldn’t believe what his eyes were telling him. He didn’t want to believe; believe that a small child could be put though so much in such a short life span. His veins bubbled with rage at the person responsible for this. What kind of “father” was he? Did he think that it is ok to beat up and abuse his kid? The one thing Chester wanted to do more then anything is to get this child away from this man and let her live her life happily.
Chester opened his mouth and began to speak quietly so he wouldn’t startle the child, but it didn’t work. “Hey, are you ok?” Chester knew that was a dumb question. Of course she wasn’t ok! Who would be after getting beat up like that? But he didn’t know what else to say to a small child that is in this condition.
The little girl jumped at the sound of the voice and turned around, giving Chester a full view of her crystal tears and bruised face. Chester’s heart went out to her even more when he saw her beautiful face all cut up and bruised. Tears stuck to her face like glue. Blood was seeping out of one of her cheeks and her lip looked like someone ripped it open.
How could this happen? Chester thought to himself. What kind of monster would do this? The little girl sniffled a little before speaking in a wobbly voice, “Dada hit me.”
Chester clenched his fist in pure rage before sending a death glare at the house just few feet in front of him. “Jerk.” He muttered under his breath.
The child’s crying soon brought him back to reality as he turned his head back towards her. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.” He said softly as he inched a little closer to the crying girl.
The little girl lifted her head and looked at him with curiosity in her eyes. Could she trust him? Would he hurt her like her father does? She didn’t know what to believe. “Don’t worry, I’m going to protect-“
Chester’s sentence got cut off as the door to the house swung open. Chester glared up at the man who was coming down the stairs with a beer bottle in his hands. When he saw Chester, his glare became as cold as piercing ice clawing its way into his skin. “What are you doing here? I told you that I don’t want your charity! Get lost!”
Chester’s glare was as sharp as a razor’s edge. “What have you been doing to this poor child?”
The man just laughed evilly. “I’m just disciplining the brat. What do you think I’m doing to her?”
“I think you’re abusing her!” Chester yelled.
The man smirked and then turned his attention to the shaking child on the ground. “Who are you going to believe, sweetie?” he said it in such a voice that made Chester want to throw up, “your daddy, or this piece of junk?”
The child looked back between the two. Her eyes landed on Chester; he never yelled at her before, nor has he ever hit her. She then looked back up at her daddy, who has caused her so much pain in the last two years. Finally, she opened her mouth and said, “I want him.” She pointed to Chester.
Chester beamed down at the child and then turned back to the father, with a smug look on his face. “Well, it looks like I win.” He bent down to untie the child.
“Fine, take the pest. She was getting on my nerves anyways; with all the crying and crap that she does.”
But Chester wasn’t listening. He smiled as he picked up the now free child. She looked up at him and smiled, showing the few sets of teeth that she had. Chester’s heart melted for that smile. It was beyond perfect. He couldn’t imagine anybody wanting to hurt her like her dad did. It baffled him way he did it in the first place. Before he left, he turned back to the monster responsible for causing her so much pain. “Before I go, there’s something I need to know.”
The man just rolled his eyes. “What now?”
“What’s her name?”
He laughed. “Now why would you want to know something as stupid as that?”
Chester could feel his anger seeping over the edge at this man’s ignorance. “Just tell me her name!”
The man huffed. “Fine, if you must know her name is Michelle. Her b***h of a mother picked it out for her right before she died. Worthless c**t.”
Chester looked down at the sleeping child in his arms. The name suited her perfectly. He could already feel a strong bond between them, like they were destined to meet.
Chester started down the crystal pathway that lead to his house with the biggest grin on his face, knowing that he saved this little girl from many years of abuse and neglect.
End of flashback
The pulling on his pant leg jolted Chester out of his daydream and he casted his eyes downward to find his daughter with a distressed look on her face. “What’s wrong sweetie?” Chester cooed at her.
“Where’s Joey?” she whined, and it only dawned on Chester that he forgot to call him.
“He’s coming baby.” Chester stood up and reached down and picked up the toddler and held her firmly in his arms as he walked out of the study.
He could hear her yawning and decided that it was time for a nap. He walked over to the nursery and placed her in her crib. “Daddy’s gonna go get your bottle, ok?”
Michelle nodded as she layed down on her pink blankets and played with a few of her stuffed animals.
A/N: So, how’d everybody like it? Please review!! More to come!!
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