there is a tribe of demons that plague the world for each of the seven deadly sins. Each are different, but each are, in their own way, deadly. The only unifying feature of all seven tribes is the horns that grow out of the heads of each breed of the beasts, but for some, even that is not an easy identifier.
Lust: The first tribe of demons, all female, sometimes called the two-faced demons of lust. They are capable of masking their true forms, horns and horror alike, behind the fascade of a woman beautiful enough to captivate any human, as well as stir sexual desire in any to encounter her. However, Demons of lust are much more commonly known by another name, Succubi. In their true forms they are demon women, with two curved horns growing out of their temples, curving around their ears and ending with points jutting from beneith their owner's jaw, and massive wings, leathery, scaled and barbed at several points. Their fingers are clawed, and their legs end in razor-edged hooves. If they can not seduce their prey and drain their life, demons of lust are perfectly willing to unleash the fury of a woman scorned and rend their would-be lovers limb from limb.
Gluttony: Disgusting Creatures as repulsive as the sin they're named for. Fingers and toes end in needle-sharp nails, their mouths are full with rows of fangs, unanchored to their jaw, so that they wave with every movement of the beasts' mouths and rend anything that enters their maw so thoroughly that they rarely even have to chew their food. Their bodies are bloated things, with large sagging stomachs, and loose skin on their spindly arms and legs. Their heads are more elongated than a human, and their eyes sunken over a nose that really amounts to little more than skin over the nasal openings of their skulls. Demons of gluttony are unique in having more than two horns, a set of three horns, between three and four inches long, run along the each side of their heads, starting behind their temples and spaced about two inches apart along the length of their skull.
Envy: The faceless demons of envy are rarely seen in their true form, posessing the ability to appear as a mirror image of anyone they have encountered. They can not effect the illusion of their appearance on anyone they don't know to be watching, so there have been some people who have seen their true appearance: either a dull grey or pale blue exceptionally slender androgenous humanoid body. The creatures are completely faceless and hairless with only the two shallow, pointed bumps of their horns, either a pale white or grey, giving their heads any distinct features. Generally they use deception and stealth to kill their prey, posessing strength that belies their frail forms.
Pride: Often mistakenly called imps, or gremlins, the demons of pride are normally small of stature, ranging between two and three feet high. Their heads are completely bald, except the two horns growing just above their eyes. Each horn is fitting to the demon that it grows from, i.e. small. They grow out and hook up sharply, resembling the thorns of a rose. Each demon's mouth is lined with needle fangs, and their fingers and toes each end in a wicked-sharp point. They generally travel in packs, and seem to demonstrate a hive-mentality. Most people find that the beasts act cautiously, attacking one or two at a time and are thus very easy to kill. However, as their prey grows more sure of himself, the demons grow. As their enemy kills some of their number and becomes assured of his victory, the remaining demons grow rapidly, and can quickly become much greater than their prey. Many people question why they attack humans as they do, rather than swarming their prey, however some suggest that it has something to do with the way the demons reproduce, as many survivors of the swarms of pride have left for help and returned to the scene only to find the numbers of the demons more than doubled, and the fallen corpses hollow and leeched of both nutrients and energy.
Sloth: The demons of sloth are massive creatures, many more than fourteen feet tall. Their bright red hides are harder than stone, and many people have suggested that the beasts are indestructable. However, their great size makes them incredibly slow beasts. To be killed by a demon of sloth is a difficult end to reach, but one of the most gruesome. The horns of the demons of sloth grow up out of their foreheads, and curl backwards over their heads, then forward again into massive hooks, on which the demons skewer their still-living prey to let them bleed out over the demon's face and die a slow gruesome death. It is common for a demon of sloth to have many corpeses and skeletons in different levels of decay stacked over its horns.
Greed: Demons of greed are the most human looking of all the demon speicies, aside from the illusions of the tribes of lust and envy. Their golden horns grow very close together on their forehead, wrap backward around the demons' heads and meet at the back of their skull, each point curving up against each other to make one point sticking up from behind their heads. Some reffer to them as "the crowned" as besides their horns there is no way to tell them apart from humans. This is not to say that they are the same as humans, the demons of greed posess a potent ability, a selective midas touch. They can turn anything they touch to gold, at their discretion. Most often, the victims of greed are found frozen with terrified expressions on their faces, the blood in their veins turned to solid gold.
Wrath:The demons of wrath are the most brutal demons, rarely satisfied with simply killing, they reap destruction everywhere they go, and after slaying anything in their path, they often tear apart corpses, scattering bones, feasting messily on blood and flesh, and splattering at least as much of it as they swallow. After an attack of the demons of wrath, no corpses are found, only pieces. The demons themselves are massive, hulking creatues, usually six or seven feet tall and thickly muscled. Their horns grow out of the sides of their temples, and twist in a fasion making them resemble the horns of cattle. The demons have no lips, making their mouths permanent smiles of serrated fangs. their fingers are pointed claws, and their toes are elongated, capable of grasping and rending prey like a second pair of hands. They usually walk ape-like on all fours, but are capable of standing fully erect.
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