wow... I didn't write like in.... ages xD
well, I'm settled in my new house.
I have no computer there, so I have to go to my dad's house on this horrible computer.. ugh... so old x_X
I am not doing very well: I have caught a cold, and I have a sore throat.
My school grades aren't really a dream either, but whatever.. I'll try to fix that smile
I feel like I slept too less this week.
Also some good things (I think..)
I have seen Shôgun heart
I have the mini-serie on DVD, and I LOVE it.
If you like to know how the Japanese tortured around 1600, you should watch it xD
Nah, but except for that, it's really great.
You even learn a bit Japanese if you watch it... *evil laugh* I KNEW JAPANESE WAS EASY~!!!!!
The ways you can say "To understand":
Wakarimasu (to understand, I understand etc.)
Wakarimasu ka? (Do you understand?)
Wakarimasen. (I don't understand)

It's weekend~!! I really need it to sleep, get better, and perhaps some other stuff...
I also am listening to the song "Watashi Ga Tsuiteru" by "Morning Musume".
It's really lovely heart DARLING *ahem*
I found the song when I was actually searching for the song "watashi dake ni" by "Takarazuka revue Hana".
The Takarazuka has 5 different groupes:
1. Hana (Flower troupe)
2. Tsuki (Moon troupe)
3. Sora (Cosmos troupe)
4. Yuki (Snow troupe)
5. Hoshi (Star troupe)
I like Hana the most. I just love Haruno Sumire and Ayabuki Mao. First I just liked Haruno Sumire, but I grew to love Ayabuki Mao. They sing great. I love it when they sing "Yami ga Hirogaru".
Watashi Ga Tsuiteru
Yami Ga Hirogaru

I was busy making my own WinX. I like WinX club a lot (bad me xD).
And there was this site, on which you could make your own WinX.
One is "me", and I also made a team (so 5 others..) xD 4laugh

I still LOVE LOVE LOVE Miyavi (and his music xD)
My 10 favo songs of him:
1. Señor, Señora, Señorita
2. Hi No Hikari Sae Todokanai Kono Basho De
3. What A Wonderful World
4. Itoshii Hito
5. Dear My Friend
6. JPN Pride
8. Onpu No Tegami
9. Qoo Quack Cluck -ku ku ru-
10. Ashita Tenki Ni Naare