Ok I've decided to change this part. Instead of introducing myself I want to post the different characters that my avatar can be. Every time I change my avatar I come up with a new story according to the avatar's outfit. So here's the two I've got so far

She would wait forever for him to come, though she knew the unspoken truth. He would never come for her.. she was long forgotten.

And so she ripped his heart out, his blood dying her hair deep crimson. Never again would she fall for another lying man.

She pulled out her book and opened it. Upon each page was a thousand names and each of those names was the name of one who had died and where they were to be taken.

Everyone always made fun of her because she always had her head in a book or was always drawing or writing. Little did they know that one day she would be famous for her dark poetry and art.

I wander around down streets and through forests a book in my hand two more at my side. My head is always elsewhere in some fantastic world. I'm always lost in my own head... lost in thought

She lusts for blood and brings sickness and death. She is SIN.

Bells ring the beat of drums echoes through the room. Cheers nearly drown the hypnotic melody and all the people are entranced by her rhythmic steps and the elegant flow of her body.

Deep in a frozen cave she silently creeps across a frozen path over an endless chasm, a flashlight in one hand and an ancient tome in the other. Some people call her brave, some people say she's obsessed and others say she's insane. In truth she is in love- in love with her work.
CorienCelest · Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 11:42pm · 0 Comments |