YAY! This is another one! (and in the same day too!)
okay, I've heard alot of complaining about the Aquarium, the two biggest ones are:
1.) Why do I have to pay for something that's going to die!
2.) It's a useless feature that doesn't do anything!
I'm going to answer these both since I have an Aquarium and yes I have invested money into it.
1.) The fish tend to live for a long time, most of the fish live for more than three months, by then I'm hoping they die faster so that I can get the Fish Drop they leave when they die. So yes they die... sad.... but unfortunately they don't die quick enough! (especially if you have a good Aquarium like mine)
2.) If you invested time in the Aquarium then you'll notice that the Overseer gives out some pretty cool items that make it worth manipulating the Aquarium for.
why just the otherday I recieved a Fluff Box and was able to sell it in the Market for 37,000 and that's not the first time I recieved a high valued iteim.
So if you take care of it and put a little gold into it you might get it back plus more once the lil fish die!
I'm sure some people won't be happy with this but oh well, I enjoy the Aquarium feature since I have it. (also it's a voluntary system so why are you complaining if you don't have to use it????)
People complain about the cash shop as much as they complain about the Aquarium (some even more!) the fact remains that it is because of the cash shop that we have all these cool new features and have the EI's (some of the best iteims around) now there are some things that I will admit,
1.) EI's tend to be a bit pricey for the average 13 year old (which is suppose to be what Gaia is catering for.... right?)
2.) Quality over some Cash Shop Iteims.
EI's tend to be around $5.00 or more, now I personally tend not to be mad since people spend $2.50 on the monthly collectibles each month that only have about 5 poses and are not as great quality, yet EI's tend to have around 20 Poses that are mostly pretty decent.
However! I will admit that $10 for an EI is pretty steap even for Gaia and that it might be good if they came up with more $2.99 iteims that are good!
As for the Quality of the shop, my biggest problem tends to be with the Monthly Collectibles which seem to have gotten really crappy as of late, then again it might also be that I'm comparing them to the EI's in which case they tend to get blown out of the water, I'll let you decide.
However some iteims in the Cash Shop should be taken out since their just stupid and people don't want them.
This is for the Cash Shop, yes you have to use real money and it isn't fair for all the broke people out there that rely on their parents. That sucks and I can see you point however, Gaia's demographic caters to 13 year old's and up (if you get a job at 16) then that means that the Gaia will end up catoring to higher numbers of people who have an income and can afford to buy the iteims.
I myself have bought and sold things off the market using the Cash Shop system, that has allowed me to get some awesome iteims not just for me but for my friends as well, so this system allows new users to be able to compete with the old users as far as getting and collecting iteims. (get a rich friend who likes to donate and be nice to them and maybe they'll buy you something.... hint hint!)
In the end, the Cash shop is another VOLUNTARY system that you do not have to use, yes you won't have as cool iteims but thats your choice not Gaia's and they need the money to keep the site running.
Sorry if you can't afford the shop but there are other ways to make gold so good luck!
Also, for those that refuse to get Gaia Cash for whatever your reasons don't be jealous of someone that does. While there may be a few exceptions I know from my point of view that the Gaia Cash I get is with my own money that work to get so if I choose to buy Gaia Cash so that I can get nice Iteims for me and my friends then don't hate cause it's my money and I'll spend it however I want, I just so happen to enjoy supporting Gaia while getting nice iteims!
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