So, trying to get back on the ball, Zoaria is caught up, working on thigns to use the new post system with that.
Faekats I'm always working on.
E-mice I'm catching up on. O_o Apparently things I thought were done aren't. Which is a big WTF for me. And has me quite pissy.
DemonHounds I need to catch up on. I lost my scheduler file and some info files I had around for my use/owner updates...
Cerexi I need to find out about my kid stage. And flesh this out even more. And RP.
Plushikats is my biggest headache in some ways because I'm completely stuck for it. My first shop, it seems stuck in the curse of that. Not that I don't love it, it's just... apaprently what I want to do seems beyond my grasp, or somehow whenever I want to take it beyond, something happens. I'm not sure. I'm fighting to bring this one up where I think it should be, and it's like fighting a strong current.
Miaoni is going, although somewhat slow having to do certain thgins like add missing stages for races. Also, working on a system for armor/dice so people can RP combat fairly. wink THIS will take the most out of me I think, to devise it right. And a LOT of judgement calls on old Miaoni. gonk
Need to contact FO. Need to contact Fallen Rain.
*rubs head* So mcuh to do to get out of the mire of hell I've gotten into thanks to life.