On the computer EYPAC 2 in the library:
Wow, I hate coming to the library but I love the computers here, they are so fast. I have dial-up if you must know. The only draw back is that I'm sitting next to gansta' chixs and they are annoying the heck out of me... they won't stop using the "f" and "n" words. AND THEIR BLACK!! So if your using the "n" word agenst a black person and your white its racist and if your black using the "n" word that doesn't make you racist? =_=, ugh, confused... oh well, they will be in jail soon enough (one of their names is popcorn...)
Well, today has been real good so far (sep my mom said we have to get more involved in church so I didn't aprove of that)... It's not like I hate church it's just that I don't really like church folks. They are so snobby...
Well, I better end this now, because they are starting to ANNOY THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!