I'm still not very happy with the way I draw anime! I mean, I have a class now, but I still think they could use a bit MORE work. But, the good new is that I'm also HAPPY because I'm improving still! I hope to be able to do a good CG picture one day, but I am left handed and I'm not exactly skilled with using my left hand with the mouse so I just use my right hand and I also don't realy know what to do again. I love looking at pictures other artists CDed, but sometimes I wonder if they can just DRAW the drawing and make it look REALY good too? Anyways, now that I am in a art class I've been learning a lot and trying to show it in my art, it's a little hard because I drew a picture or "3 who can't escape" last night and I was pritty tired when I drew that, so it was a bad example of what I learned (just a demonstration on how bad my drawings look when I'm tired) LOL! blaugh
I've been obsessed with Fatal Frame latly! I'm pritty sceared of ghosts (not exactly sure why) so I just play it for at the most 5 hours (I usualy can only play it for like an... hour and then I have to stop cause it will freak meh out!) I've been able to play it longer, but there is this one ghost called "floating women" or something like that and she will appeare at the WORSSTTTT times ever!! She can ALWAYS scear me REALY well!!! OH, and I thought the women who has something to do with the ropes ritual (this shows I'm not far, lol) I thought she was the girl in the white kimono, but I found out she wasn't sweatdrop
Rinoga · Sat Oct 08, 2005 @ 01:36pm · 0 Comments |