Let's see... one of my friends is in Japan. I'm hoping she has an awesome 3 weeks and comes back with some excellent stories. Also hoping that her trip is safe, there and back. :3
Tomorrow, my school's Anime Club is going to Mitsuwa, the Japanese supermarket that I've mentioned once or twice before. They have Japanese books/school supplies, a food court thing, a counter for purchasing sushi, another one for perfumes and such... gods, there's just a lot there! There was also a new video rental store added quite a little bit ago, though I can't really do anything with it. Y'know, considering that only go there every 3 or so months. xD
Anyways. Then, on the 22nd, a friend of mine, my dad and I are going to a Dir en Grey concert. My grandma might be going with, but we're going to be trying to get her to step out so that Dalndox could go. She has no idea what their music sounds like, and I kind of want her to live another day. xD
But yeah. Maybe there'll be more things added to this. Other than those culturally educational e-mails that I get from J-list just about every week or more... and that DS game for learning Japanese. >>
Aww, hell. Who do I kid? It's almost everywhere for me. xD
:: just realized she's wearing her slippers with the massage points on them she bought at Mitsuwa last time :: lD
Well, I'm done with this small update. Anyways, on different news, I and two other peoples have started an artshop. Anyone reading this should go check it out. Do it! D<