A/N: Sorry I haven’t posted anything in awhile. I’ve had writer’s block so I’m hoping this story will get rid of it.
Chapter 1
The sun bathed the land in its orange glow as a new day began. Mike yawned as he stretched and opened his eyes, only to be blinded by the sun’s unforgiving rays. “Stupid sun.” muttered Mike as he opened his eyes more cautiously and turned over on his side.
Suddenly, Mike could hear voices in the lounge room. He groaned when he heard Chester’s pissed off voice reverting around the bus. He looked at the clock, 8:30. Great, it’s not even nine yet and already Chester’s bitching. Mike thought bitterly.
Slowly, he forced his tired body to the ground and made his way the where the other guys were. He opened the door and saw Brad and Phoenix sitting at the table, trying to clam Chester down. Chester was standing up and glaring furiously at his bandmates. Mike slowly waked in, afraid of what would happen next.
Chester turned sharply and saw Mike sanding there. “You,” he pointed to Mike. “I know you have it, give it to me.”
Mike looked at his bandmates with a confused expression on his face. “Give him what?”
His question was shortly answered, “GIVE ME MY PINK PONY!”
It then dawned on Mike what he wanted. Ever since they began touring, Chester would always bring a little stuffed pink pony with him on tour. It was his prized possession. He would take everywhere with him. When the guys questioned his behavior, he simply replied, “I’ve had this ever since I was a little kid. A girl who lived next to me gave it to me. I treasured it ever since. She was the only one who was my friend and I treasure the toy like it did her.” At first, the guys felt moved by the touching story. But now it was getting annoying because when ever he lost it, he would automatically blame the other members for “taking it”
Mike just rolled his eyes. Here we go again.
“Where is it you thief?” Chester demanded.
“Chester, for the last time, I did not take it, ok? Where was the last time you saw it?”
Chester looked thoughtful for a moment. “Hmm. The last time I saw it was in my bed.”
Mike’s eyes lit up. “Well, why don’t you check your bed?”
Chester smiled gleefully. “Ok!”
Chester walked off towards his bunk while the other guys let out a breath that they didn’t know they’ve been holding. “Thank God he’s gone.” breathed Brad as he leaned back in his chair.
“But I wonder what happened to his pink pony.” said Phi.
“I don’t know and I don’t care,” replied Mike as he pulled himself a chair and sat down, “Could this day get any worse?”
Suddenly, a loud bang was heard, followed by a yell.
Brad sighed. “Now what?”
The door opened and sleepy Joe came out rubbing his eyes. “Who sent Chaz into the bunk area? I just got woken up by Chester yelling at Rob; something about a bunny.”
Mike put his head in his hands and groaned. “He’s looking for that blasted pink pony!”
Joe’s eyes lit up. “Ohhh, you mean the one he always carries around with him?”
“Do you know where it is?” asked Brad helplessly, “he’s been yelling at us for the past thirty minutes!”
Joe shook his head, “Nope, sorry dude.”
“Then what the heck are we gonna do? He’s going on a rampage!” exclaimed Phi.
“Maybe Rob knows.” Mike said hopefully.
But that theory soon turned to ash when they heard Rob yell, “I DON’T KNOW WHERE YOUR STUPID, GAY, and DUMB PONY IS! LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FREAK OF NATURE!”
“We’re doomed!” exclaimed Brad who hugged Phi in fright.
Phi glared at Brad. “Get off of me!” Brad falls to the floor with a loud thud.
Chester comes into the room with a devastated look on his face. “I couldn’t find it.”
Joe puts a hand on Chester. “Hey man, I know how you feel.”
Chester looked at Joe. “You do?”
Joe smiled. “Yep, I once lost froggie and thought that it was the end of the world until I found him.”
“Where was he?”
Joe turned his head and gave Mike an evil glare before returning to Chester. “Mike stole him but I got it back after I “convinced” Mike to give it to me.”
Chester giggled. “That’s funny. You sure showed him, didn’t you?”
Joe smirked. “Yep, so don’t you worry. You’ll have your pink pony back in no time.”
“Hey!” Mike interrupted, “I didn’t steal him! Somebody framed me! I swear!”
Joe glared. “Yeah, right!”
Mike banged his head on the table. Will this madness ever end?
A/N: Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter! I will now be working on the second chap of DBZ LP Crossover so stay tuned!!
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Linkin Park journal
A journal about LP. I plan to write updates, fanfiction, and all that other cool stuff about the guys of Linkin Park. Enjoy!
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