I designed the sears tower, I make two grand an hour. |
I cook the worlds best duck flambe..
So, this is in response to a user in C&T.. Quite frankly, this is what I write when people piss me off. Well, this is what I write when I'm sober, and is actually printable.
Names have been changes to protect the person who I'm peeing on.
"And quite frankly XXXX.. you are pissing me off. In between your posting TOS violating threads in C&T, and crying out agains the "opressing reign of the mods" you've been a busy boy, posting crap like this. Look, yes you can sit here and argue semantics with me, and get me frustrated because you're bound and determined to be irrefutably right, even though we're referring to a subject in completely differentcontexts. You claim gaia as a governement. It's not. it's a ******** website. So, you either put up with the goddamn rules, abide by them, or you shut the ******** up, and get the hell out. That's it. There's no healthy underground rebellion just itching for a good leader like you, to throw off the shackles of opression. The gestapo army of mods isn't goosestepping all over your rights. We're doing our jobs, upholding the rules you agreed to abide by when you joined Gaia. So, if you have any issues with that. Like sheep said. Can it.
Oh, and "Dictatorial rubbish the copyright cartel puts out" is about people who like to get paid for the hard work they do, releasing software and applications, and then.. lo and ******** behold, getting paid for it. Using loopholes like "lack of deprivation" or "no actual items are removed, no store shelves suffer" is just shitty little loopholes people like you try and use to distract from the fact taht you're using software, music, and movies you have no right to. To make yourselves feel like you aren't really stealing. I should ******** know, too. The first forum I was ever a member of was for setting up and maintaining huge lists of 0-sec ftp's, neo-dumps, and sites with release date drops. Making Nfo's, and generally keeping ourselves in as much pirated software, movies, and music as possible. I've been in your position. I left that position, because it was stupid, full of lies, and more than likely was going to get me fined, or.. considering as to how I had more than 60k of pirated software on my system at several points in time, sent to jail."
So.. yeah. I'm not the nicest guy. But for chrissakes.. at least I'm not deluding myself to how much of an a*****e I can be, and just how things work.
There's a reason C&T is using the "bullshit rule". Because, like everyone else, I'm sick of it. Sick of lies, deceit, people spouting crap to make themselves feel better about being wrong, breaking tthe law, and playing "who's got the bigger e-p***s".
Or, as gabe puts it.. "My wang has massive growth potential."
Twistex · Tue Oct 04, 2005 @ 03:51pm · 6 Comments |