Research memo #1: Elves
Greetings all, I'm RAcastBlaster, and I'll be your host for this nominal moment of time. I suppose I should introduce myself first, correct? I am a researcher for the famed TaT-Corp, an organization of somewhat Timmy obsessed fanatic, yet smarsty-sciency people. However (due to recent events), I have been inclined to research into some peoples of Gaia, and first, I have chosen my favorite groups of individuals, elves.
They tend to be reclusive and strong and agile, as well as skilled in many arts, magical and physical. I'll run through each, of course.
Right then, let us begin our tour of the local gaians with our average, everyday elves.
Forest Elves--

They are highly reclusive, and as thus, seldom seen. As their name implies, they tend to live in the forests just outside the bounds of our general civilization, though some live in cities, such as Barton and Ilse de Gambino (though these are few, and sometimes are actually outcasts).
Physically, they are the most slender and agile of all the elves, but the weakest physically. They prefer to either avoid a fight, or if necessary, fight from a range. They specialize in magics that manipulate plants and gain power by being in wooded areas. Also, they use bows, made of enchanted wood from trees deep in the forest. On the whole, they are friendly, however, and would prefer to talk than fight.
Dark Elves--

My personal favorite race of elves, if I do say so myself. They are the next most agile and powerful, fast as lightning. They also have the ability to disappear at will, making them powerful thieves and assassins. Which, for better or worse, is exactly what the dark elves of the Kuro Gang do. Eh, keep this on the down-low, of course, would you? I'm sure they'd be... less than appreciative of my perfectly well-intentioned research!
They are quite businesslike, looking for profit is nearly everything they do. Further, they are nearly impossible to dupe! (unless of course, your name is nicolae, of course; how he managed that feet, I still have no idea!) Their weapons of choice are the same as any assassin, daggers and other things. Sharp, pointy, poison, and it won't leave anything distinguishable. Good luck to you, if you have gotten on one of these elves bad side!
Dragon Elves--

They are an interesting race. For, they are either extremely elusive or out in the public (and masquerading as dark elves). In the past, they were shunned by the other elf races as freaks (as they were descended from the union of dragons and magically augmented elves) and cast out. However, many realized their resemblance to dark elves, and began to return to public, acting as them, and eventually earned the rest of their race the credence they so truly deserve.
They are, by far the strongest and most resilient race of elves. Very little can pierce their tough scales (which are made, after all, for living in lava). Their weapon of choice varies from elf to elf, as they can us literally anything and everything(the term 'weight limit' doesn't mean anything to them). Truly, they are the tanks of the elven races.
Now, for the less commonly known races! Even I couldn't dig up much about some these elusive beings, but what little I have is even intriguing!
Animal "Furry" Elves--

Sadly, I could find only scattered mentions of these beings. It's said that they live somewhere deep in the jungle, but that area is largely undocumented. The only things I could dig up are that they are honorable fighters, who use only their own bodies, using a specially developed martial arts style, for use of their claws, limber bodies, and long reach. I do so wish I could find more.
"Platinum" Elves--

This is a design created by Liam, thought never officially put into action. I've heard that a private group may have tried to create some of these mechanical beings, but I have no way of being sure. Also, they're not technically alive, but could be outfitted with artificial intelligence (suffice it to say... Liam didn't want to create another mechanical mess, he's an awful programmer). All I can say for certain... is that if these were unleashed upon the world, they'd be *very* difficult to curb...
Well, hey, that's it for this time. If my work enlightens just one mind, then I've done my job! See ya next time!