OMG I met this super duper awesome girl at university and she's super awesome. Did I say that already? Anyway, her name is Christina and I like her a lot. Love is a strong word but I like her a lot. The only problem is i'm black and her parents aren't too keen on that idea. It's not like we're getting married (anytime soon) so what's the big deal? But i've dealt with this before so it's no big deal. Anyway, tonight was soo magical! I went to her room after a meeting I had to go to [boo being important!] and we sat and talked for like three hours. Then we sat in silence for another hour just looking at each other. Her eyes are like little pools of infinite depth and beauty. Ha! that sounds so cliche and lame. But it's true so there mrgreen K i'mma go bye-bye so ttyl! heart ya and feel free to comment!